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From Future Of Mankind
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--[[User:Thomas57|KTM]] 07:05, 24 August 2011 (BST)
--[[User:Thomas57|KTM]] 07:05, 24 August 2011 (BST)
== Thomas57 said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Here is the text from the uncensored notes of W Stevens;  No German text was available for comparison.
Fifth Contact (+ = Billy Meier) Sunday, 16.2.1975 23.41 h
1. We have ascertained, you already troubling yourself for the publishing of our matter, much faster, than actually we had provided this.
2. Nevertheless we yet are glad about it, and we have nothing to object to your hurry.
3. It cut would perhaps have been better if you had waited still some time.
+ It seemed for me that I could by that already carry through the difficult preparation work, because this will surely need much labour.
4. This is surely right, because everything will not be very easy.
5. We also have basically nothing to object against it, because we want to leave all in your own decision .
+ Thank you. Your and the confidence of the yours (others) ones honors me, but - don't you expect a bit too much from me?
S. You have a sound humour.
+ You mean?
7. Surely, f or on e truly can never expect too much from you, as always you give your best and try all you start to wake it for the best.
+ You flatter me.
8. Surely not, as it is just the truth.
+ Alright Semjase, because you surely have not come here, for that we quarrel arcundty flatterings and similar.
9. You say right, as just today I want to tell you something, that will not interest only you, but all human beings.
10. It is one a bit strange touching story, which but by the interest of the human beings will incite much dust, as she will sound too phantastic for all those, who still not have discovered their spiritual thinking or have developed it.
11. Intellectual greatness is by regret not sufficient, to be able to conceive the reach of the story.
12. But just intellectual human beings do you have very many on earth, and just they are often these, who lack from spiritual knowledge, and who by thi s can not bring up understanding for the real and the logic.
13. Here yet also must be called these, who are lead wrong by religions, and those, who have neither proceeded far intellectual nor spiritual.
14. They all are the badest enemies to the truth, the real and the irrefusable creational logic.
15. Their criticism and their contesting of certain things but mark them out - for human beings, which live in primitive stupidity .
16. Earthhuman beings, who always want to know everything better, who but in truth are more ignorant than the monkey-creatures, who populate the jungle on Earth.
17. By the contesting of facts of possibilities they clearly show their spiritual dullness .
+ This(These) are very hard words though they correspond from my opinion to the full, sad truth.
18. Exactly, and you know, it really behavi ng so. And that it really behaves so, for this you give the proof yourself in the book, which you have clothed into sti l l harder wor ds .
+ Of course, because the truth can alone be told by hard words, as diplomathy(diplomacy) would be pure lie and would make light of all.
19. Surely, but you only have to see for getting able to make this understandable for the human beings.
20. They have already become too much effeminated and fallen to the untruth, than they still cou ld recognize sincere indiplomathy as truth and digest her.
21. They have become effeminated in thinking, treating and speaking, thus they offend against everything and defense themselves, against that, which sounds for hard truth.
22. But the truth can alone get spread by hardness, same, as peace can alone get forced by naked power.
+ I know so - by regret. But you have told me some thing of a story, you today want to tell me. What shall this by a story? Has she anything common with the human being, or does she simply concern a harmless matter?
23. I let you decide over it and all those, to who you will give this story.
+ Then it shall be a kind of history of mankind?
24. Surely.
+ Then I am very anxious, because about that I have made thoughts through whole my life very much.
25. I know, and you have found in many matters the truth or nearly the truth.
26. Of course also for us are not known all dates and events, but we are far-reaching cleared up in them.
27. Yet so listen now to the story: Your earthly chronlogy is not very exact, and she is only halfways directed from the facts.
28. Also your own countings are not exact, but they are the most exact, which ever got reckonned by an earthhuman being.
29. Your calculation(s)only vary by th e little of(f) rounded 200 years, while the calculations of your scientists and researchers but contain wrong times of several thousand years.
30. A fact you anytimes can recompute from my details, which I will give you here.
31. Many researchers of the earth do since old times a try to calculate the known to you by the bible Great Flood, yet hitherto without success worth mentioning.
32. From your present Christian chronology the Great Flood took place exactly 10,079 years ago.
33. She got initiated by a worldwide catastrophy of cosmical origin, when a gigantic comet threw the earth from her course, and changed her revolution period and revolution direction.
34. At the then time an earthly day kept more than 40 hours, and the sun did not rise in the East, as today.
35. Such period and dir ection of r evol ution changi ng events have afflicted after the Great Flood still two times the earth, but they have not effected(affected) such destroying catastrophies like at the called Great Flood.
36. The last change-over of this kind happened 3500 years ago, from which I will talk still later.
37. The Great Flood 10,079 years ago got called forth by a gigantic comet, which has already effected(affected) very much damage and draws through the universe since very ancient times.
38. We call him the “Destroyer” and we know, him already travelling through (the) universe already since millions of years.
39. From your chronology this dangerous comet owns(has) a revolution period of 575.5 years and will come very dangerously in the reach of the earth in the year of 2255 of your chronology, if not by any cosmic circumstances his course becomes changed or even he becomes destructed .
40. The last passage of this planet took place 295 years ago, and namely in the year of 1680.
41. 10,079 years ago this giant comet, which got originated by a natural cosmical catastrophy, went very near into the region of the earth, and nearly had destroyed her.
42. Alone the knowledge and the abilities of your forefathers, who had settled on earth and created descendants here, prevented from an evil end.
43. Also in the following milleniums the giant comet always was a great menace for the earth - and he also will remain one, until once he gets destroyed himself.
44. The last great catastrophe, that got effected by this comet, was rounded (around) 3500 years ago, as I already mentioned.
45. Exactly it happened 3453 years back in your chronology.
45. By this comet an event happened, which is very seldom in (the) universe, namely a transplantation of a planet: By the huge power of this great comet in a very far solar system a just developing life planet got thrown from his course and pushed out into the cosmic space, in parallel flight run to the destructive giant comet.
47. More than 130 years this planet went behind the giant, and only uncountable slowly he deviated from his course.
48. Then, 3453 years ago, the Destroyer penetrated into the earthly solar system and disarranged by his gigantic forces the planetic courses.
49. Drawing along near the earth, he clothed her into his vast tail and shook her heavily.
50. Extensive storms and volcano eruptions were the consequence.
51. Human beings and animals died in large quantities, mountains got shift(ed) and the depthes of the oceans changed.
52. In the Mediterranean Sea the lava walls of the volcano Santorini got torn deep down and large quantities of water penetrated.
53. This evoke(d) a huge catastrophy, because from this, the volcano exploded and destroyed the isle.
54. The explosion generated a huge stormflood, which grow (grew) about 2,000 meters into the sky and raged like (a)n primeval monster over the ocean.
55. All in it became ki lled and damaged and the water coloured itself bloody red.
56. In Egypt this stormflood over flowded large areas and called up some epidemics, while the floodwave run (ran) back and hurried North-East over the sea and at the eastern shore of the sea, in the present Syria, destroyed(ing) far landscapes and all harbour cities.
57. The comet but shot through the earthly sunsystem and hurried out again into the cosmos, to return after 575.5 years.
58. The in his trails slower following, torn with planet yet, which had about the same size like the earth, shot by about 600,000 kilometers distance along the earth and got captured from the gravity field of the sun.
59. By her gigantic force she coerced the planet into a revolution course between her two next trabants, namely between the Mercury and the Earth.
60. And since then this "transplanted” and "immigrated" planet is known for the earth-human being and he calls him Venus.
+ Fantastic, Semjase.
62. The earthly moon, which is originated from a 4.5 million years older small planet, than the earth herself is.
63. It happened millions of years ago.
64. Deep in the unexplored space, in a sun system near to the Milky Way, a lonely star floated far away to the normal courses of the circling around the sun trabants.
65. It was a Dark Star, empty of each life(every or all), very dangerous in its uncalculable course, into which he was flung by a hige(huge) eruption of his native sun.
66. This, when his origin sun by all - shaking explosions of her destruction partly destroyed the her encircling satellites, or shot them as dangerous missiles out into the dark space.
67. The sun herself then collapsed into herself and tore a hole into the uni verse.
68. Her matter pressed itself by vast forces into another and became this ways compressed into a small mass.
69. While the sun had in her normal pulsating state a diameter of eleven million kilometers, so she now shriveled together to a density of only in the whole 4.2 kilometers.
70. Thus the matter became so much compressed, that a single cubic centimeter weighted several thousand tons.
71. Since then she floats as a dark gaping excavation in the cosmos, which from millions of kilometers in periphery tears everything into her, what she is able to seize and what comes into her own.
72. The then from her flung away Dark Star seized hold again in a neighboured sun system and encircled it on an uncalculable course.
73. In the forcefield of the huge sun he encircled for many milleniums her satellites and she sel f, witnessing, he once would let brake (break) in a catastrophy . . . . . .
74. But still far away from the actual worlds, the missing each life Dark Star travelled through the space.
75. Huge and inaccessible he floated through the icy cold of (the) universe - as an expellee, as a wander-planet, as a stranger in a strange system; dark, dangerous and deathbringing.
76. In the ban of the themselves far out stretching force-arms of the sun, he neared himself in run of the milleniums more and more to the actual reach of the satellites of system, which he had encircled since already so long times by continuously increasing velocity.
77. Imperceptible but his course became more and more narrow, and year after year the size of danger grow.(s)
78. With the milleniums he then suddenly and unexspected fell fast into the narrowest ban(d)(orbit) circle of the sun and her planets.
79. Like a gigantic monster he rose from the black of universe and announced death bringing destruction.
80. For the first he only was like a chimera from the nothing, then but one noticed him shadowy and diffuse as half-dark round disk.
81. Now already lighted by the themselves reflecting beams of the sun, he came by immense speed near to the revolution course of the most outside planet.
82. Still but he was in distance of millions of units to the actual core of peaceful calmth, which yet he soon had to change by his gigantic greatness into a bubbling hell, when he forced into the peace of this harmony.
83. But still went times over, until the giant finally left from his course and came in dangerous near.
84. Now already reccgnizable for a round sphere, the destroyer reflected the sunlight, while he draw behind him a fine veil of lighting particles.
85. Still only some hundred-thousand units in distance to the next worlds, he evoked on them hellish storms, which destroyed great areas, which had got cultivated by the there peacefully rising human beings.
85. By trembling shaking for their troublesome gained goods and their already without this hard living, they suddenly saw themselves surrendered to the huge and mercyless powers of the universe.
87. Helpless, cursed, to get surrendered from life to death, they stared out to the heaven, to the giant wander planet, which as cosmic death's missile hurried near.
88. It was still only a question of time, until the forces of cosmos had to unfol d their vast mights.
89. In the night of the third day past the penetration of the destroyer in the courses of the planets, midnight will short have passed, the cosmos-traveller invaded into the elliptic course of the sixth planet.
90. Evoking large cosmic storms, he throw the belonging to this course planet for some units from out his direction and brought him to dangerous course towards sun.
91. Immense eruptions and storms tore the peaceful picture of the flourishing in his beauty star.
92. Effecting collapsing mountains in themselves and throwing oceans from out their beds, he searched for himself a new course around the sun.
93. Full of horror and fright from the vast nature powers, the human beings fled towards the large plains, that overdrew numerously the planet.
94. But the released natural forces were stronger than the will and the rescuing idea of the human beings.
95. Two third(s) of the inhabiteting the planet human beings got killed and murdered, in the released hell of the nature.
96. Wild waters tore away great parts of the solid land, while exploding volcanos digged huge plains under glowing lava and laid in ruins and ashes.
97. The day’s revolution times got twice and the planet run around the sun in contrary direction.
98. Coerced by cosmic destinations, the survivors had to find a new begin(ing) - destituted of each culture - reset into a primeval time of origin.
99. The destroyer yet hurried further on through the system, spreading hell, death and destruction.
100. He cut the course of the fifth planet, a world, being in the start to create first life.
101. This one yet lay at the time of the event fortunately too far in distance from his course, than he had could hurt earnestly.
102. Besides heavy storms and smaller earthquakes at land and sea were on him no worth of mentioning appearings to notice.
103. The fourth satellite of the system should find its destruction in the battle of the worlds.
104. As the smallest of satellites he stoicly performed his course, and seen in predetermination, he exactly had to cross the flight course of the wanderer, when he had him frontal before.
105. And exactly so it happened: He went into the irresistible force of destruction of the giant.
106. Like two wild monsters the both planets raged towards another; a giant and a dwarf.
107. Yet before the(y) both could crash together, huge explosions distorted the lifeless dead dwarf-planet.
108. His broken pieces became flinged out into the endless widths of the universe, where as falling stars or as meteor caught by the forces of other stars and glowing away in their atmospheres they found their finitial end.
109. Further parts of the dwarf got torn into the sun and atomized.
110. Further parts got torn into the destroyer and became a piece of himself there.
111. Flinged like from a giant’s fist, one half of the dwarf planet shot away through the infinited widths of space, towards a very far away aim.
112. Some times he came while his course into the reach of suns and stars, got shook, hit by meteors and falling stars and changed from this his form.
113. Already past few centuries he had reached angular, roundly form.
114. He but was dead and wasted, covered by huge deep craters and unbearabl e for life.
115. By the forces of different systems he slowly got lowered in his speed and some times he changed his course, unt i l he once a day got attracted by the sun of a system and broke into her ban-circle.
116. As dark, dead star he draw (drew or traveled) through all planet's courses of the outer circles without to cause any damages.
117. First in the inner circles he hit some broken pieces of a destroyed planet, which yet only tore deep craters into him.
118. By this yet his course became another time a little changed, what (which) resulted him be coming forced parallel on the course of the second planet, which already created first primitive life.
119. A star, which was covered over by large oceans and dense primeval woods, primeval, deadly and but gruelful phantastic.
120. From this point of time only still 34 days passed, until the dwarf had caught up with the star and beaten got into his ban.(orbit)
121. The forces of the planet sufficed, to tie the dwarf on him and to effect him circling as new satellite around him, in a steady changing itself elliptic course.
122. Since then he circles as Moon around the Earth; 4.5 million years older, than his motherly star.
123. In the far solar system the destroyer yet raged further on.
124. Destroying everything on his course, he throw by unimaginable power the next to the sun planet indirection to the sun, before which in millionfold distance he destroyed himself by huge explosions and fell as smallest partpieces into the sun and atomized.
125. The destroyer himself deviated by few units from out his old course and shot in dangerous near along the sun, back into the widths of space.
125. By the unimaginuble heat of the blazing sun yet the surface of the dangerous wanderer liquified herself, and the by his immense speed thrown away glowing substances and particles generated behind him a hundredthousand units long lighting tail, light beaming, like the destroyer-planet himself, which now had become to a deadly comet.
127. By the zero-cold of cosmic space the surface of the wanderer soon solidified again.
128. His lighting force but remained with him, as well as the lighting tail. Myriads and myriads of smallest particles and substances do cover him since then, overflow him and draw as long tail behind him, lighting and showing to the beings of the universe the course of the comet.
129. By continuous series of meteoric dust parti cles, substances and the corpuscular radiation of the suns he will never loose any more his lighting force, until once a day he falls to his destruction.
130. Still milleniums or further millions of years he will wander through the universe, until by the pulverizing particles he himself will have become into dust, or gets caught by a sun and destroyed.
131. Perhaps but one day human beings will destroy him, like hisself had destroyed already milliardfold life.
132. Since his rise already millions of years have passed, and still ever his course is incalculabe.
133. By manyfold cosmic forces he often very unexspected changes his course and menaces whole sun-systems.
134. In the whole his dangerous course but is so stable, that in run of 575.5 years he always repeated runs through the same sun-systems, but with alternations in the distance of up to one million kilometers.
135. The then far two-third damaged mankind of the far solar system found a new begin(ning).
136. It wa s hard and rich of privations, but while less than nine centuries they built up a new civilization and culture; created and forced by the from cosmic powers risen need.
137. They succeeded in preventing further cosmic catastrophies and destructions.
138. By troublesome researches, labour and voluntary assignment up to the last, they created plans for their new culture and for a far-reaching technical science.
139. Protecting against natural powers habitations got built, and generation for generation collected their knowledge and abilities.
140. Theirs spirit and their knowings improved rapidly, and they soon had achieved a tehnics, which bare of each phantasy beggared each description and possibilities.
141. And the time approached, where they flew by round, disc-like flight machines with beam dr ive out into the infinited wideths of the cosmos.
142. Other sun systems and p1anets got flown to and expeditioned.
143. New worlds and possibilities disclosed themselves, to displant the peoples of the meanwhile having become too small home planet for the new mankind.
144. The scientists with their spaceships and sufficient equipped means of all kind and phantastic possibilities for use explored the space for always newer things.
145. They found many habitable worlds and solar systems, which they often subjected by the irradiation weapons after short, one-sided battle, to conquer them for settlement of their race.
146. Besides their monstrous technics they yet also improved their spirit, thus nothing remained strange for them the longer, what they wanted to explore.
147. The utilization of their spirit's forces became to self-evidence for them, and thus step by step they heaved themselves up ahead other races for governors.
148. They called themselves kings of wisdom, by the wor d IHWH, which o the Earth gets translated by (as) GOD.
149. Far spiritually superior to the common people, they soon governed it in evil, dictatorial f orm.
150. But, past centuries having become tired of the godlike scientists, the people rose against these, for the first by silent revolution.
151. Pressed down yet by the spiritual forces and the large knowledge of the gods, the nations had to bow themselves under their rulers.
152. But their will far freedom let them secretly prepare for fighting.
153. Like a smouldering fire it glowed during five hundred of years, to flame up in the given moment as untamable wild fire torch.
154. From earthly chronology it was about 230,000 years ago when the fights for freedom began.
155. Evil wars invaded many planets, and much became destroyed.
156. A scientist by name Asael used the chance to make himself independant and to flee.
157. Secretly he succeeded to take in possession a large fleet of spaceships, to man them and to flee under heavy war actions.
158. With 183 great spacers and about 250 explorer-ships with total 360,000 human beings on board he fled from his home system.
159. Restless they drew for years through the widths of space, until once a day they found a sunsystem, which offered life possibilities for them, far away from their home system.
160. Past the taking in possession of the planet passed three hundred years, while they created a new mankind.
161. Then they settled two further planets of their new home system, to travel then exploring again through the universe.
162. There they invented the system of the earthly sun.
163. Here they sat down at three different planets and started the building up of a new culture.
164. Yet the planets were still rather inhospitable and often hostile.
165. So they left again the planets and only here and there they made a visit at them.
166. When then on the second planet of the earth first intelligent life started to move, they came again and lived there.
167. As it is in the character of the human being, again fights for the government started, and they left earth .
168. From out the new home planet but the development of the earth got continuously controlled and year for year expeditioned.
169. From time to time always again got tried to settle the planet.
170. Also creatures became just deported to the earth and they simply left there without any technics and help to their fate.
171. They degenerated, got wild and bestialic.
172. Then at last the time came, where the great step finally could be dared.
173. A certain culture got built up, which some thousand years existed.
174. But once more thirst for might broke on, and all became destructed.
175. So the earth fell again to her old character.
176. Then it again needed some milleniums, until a new try got done, now but no more in sense of an actual expedition: On the home planet once again rose dissension in opinions, because the scientists once more lifted themselves up to gods and bate the nations into bondage.
177. Thus resulted, that a group of otherwise thinking scientists and else human beings allied together and took possession of different space ships.
178. About 70,000 human beings fled and settled on the earth.
179. Their upmost leader Pelegon got by all voluntarily acknowledged for an IHWH (god), and kept a tight command.
180. He had nearly two-hundred sub-leaders, who each were responsible for one specialfield of science.
181. They were so to say Sub-gods, or also called guardians.
182. On the home planets yet war invaded, and much got damaged.
183. But the human beings finally gathered the freedom and the peace.
184. This has remained so until now and also will never a time change.
185. From earthly chronology this happened rounded 50,000 years ago.
186. Only on earth herself it was not always so peaceful, and many faults were done.
187. And by one of these mistakes the origin(al) race of the earth became created, whose descendants live today and stay in the intention to comit the same faults, like our forefathers already have done.
+ This is really phantastic, Semjase. Yet how did all run further? I am really anxious for it.
188. This do I believe you, yet for today I can not tell you more, as my time is over.
189. The next time you shall learn more.
--[[User:Thomas57|KTM]] 11:55, 24 August 2011 (BST)

Latest revision as of 10:55, 24 August 2011

Comments on Contact Report 5 <comments />

Thomas57 said ...

There is a Contact #5 from W Stevens that could be placed herein.

--KTM 07:05, 24 August 2011 (BST)

Thomas57 said ...

Here is the text from the uncensored notes of W Stevens; No German text was available for comparison.

Fifth Contact (+ = Billy Meier) Sunday, 16.2.1975 23.41 h

Semjase 1. We have ascertained, you already troubling yourself for the publishing of our matter, much faster, than actually we had provided this. 2. Nevertheless we yet are glad about it, and we have nothing to object to your hurry. 3. It cut would perhaps have been better if you had waited still some time.

+ It seemed for me that I could by that already carry through the difficult preparation work, because this will surely need much labour.

Semjase 4. This is surely right, because everything will not be very easy. 5. We also have basically nothing to object against it, because we want to leave all in your own decision .

+ Thank you. Your and the confidence of the yours (others) ones honors me, but - don't you expect a bit too much from me?

Semjase S. You have a sound humour.

+ You mean?

Semjase 7. Surely, f or on e truly can never expect too much from you, as always you give your best and try all you start to wake it for the best.

+ You flatter me.

Semjase 8. Surely not, as it is just the truth.

+ Alright Semjase, because you surely have not come here, for that we quarrel arcundty flatterings and similar.

Semjase 9. You say right, as just today I want to tell you something, that will not interest only you, but all human beings. 10. It is one a bit strange touching story, which but by the interest of the human beings will incite much dust, as she will sound too phantastic for all those, who still not have discovered their spiritual thinking or have developed it. 11. Intellectual greatness is by regret not sufficient, to be able to conceive the reach of the story. 12. But just intellectual human beings do you have very many on earth, and just they are often these, who lack from spiritual knowledge, and who by thi s can not bring up understanding for the real and the logic. 13. Here yet also must be called these, who are lead wrong by religions, and those, who have neither proceeded far intellectual nor spiritual. 14. They all are the badest enemies to the truth, the real and the irrefusable creational logic. 15. Their criticism and their contesting of certain things but mark them out - for human beings, which live in primitive stupidity . 16. Earthhuman beings, who always want to know everything better, who but in truth are more ignorant than the monkey-creatures, who populate the jungle on Earth. 17. By the contesting of facts of possibilities they clearly show their spiritual dullness .

+ This(These) are very hard words though they correspond from my opinion to the full, sad truth.

Semjase 18. Exactly, and you know, it really behavi ng so. And that it really behaves so, for this you give the proof yourself in the book, which you have clothed into sti l l harder wor ds .

+ Of course, because the truth can alone be told by hard words, as diplomathy(diplomacy) would be pure lie and would make light of all.

Semjase 19. Surely, but you only have to see for getting able to make this understandable for the human beings. 20. They have already become too much effeminated and fallen to the untruth, than they still cou ld recognize sincere indiplomathy as truth and digest her. 21. They have become effeminated in thinking, treating and speaking, thus they offend against everything and defense themselves, against that, which sounds for hard truth. 22. But the truth can alone get spread by hardness, same, as peace can alone get forced by naked power.

+ I know so - by regret. But you have told me some thing of a story, you today want to tell me. What shall this by a story? Has she anything common with the human being, or does she simply concern a harmless matter?

Semjase 23. I let you decide over it and all those, to who you will give this story.

+ Then it shall be a kind of history of mankind?

Semjase 24. Surely.

+ Then I am very anxious, because about that I have made thoughts through whole my life very much.

Semjase 25. I know, and you have found in many matters the truth or nearly the truth. 26. Of course also for us are not known all dates and events, but we are far-reaching cleared up in them. 27. Yet so listen now to the story: Your earthly chronlogy is not very exact, and she is only halfways directed from the facts. 28. Also your own countings are not exact, but they are the most exact, which ever got reckonned by an earthhuman being. 29. Your calculation(s)only vary by th e little of(f) rounded 200 years, while the calculations of your scientists and researchers but contain wrong times of several thousand years. 30. A fact you anytimes can recompute from my details, which I will give you here. 31. Many researchers of the earth do since old times a try to calculate the known to you by the bible Great Flood, yet hitherto without success worth mentioning. 32. From your present Christian chronology the Great Flood took place exactly 10,079 years ago. 33. She got initiated by a worldwide catastrophy of cosmical origin, when a gigantic comet threw the earth from her course, and changed her revolution period and revolution direction. 34. At the then time an earthly day kept more than 40 hours, and the sun did not rise in the East, as today. 35. Such period and dir ection of r evol ution changi ng events have afflicted after the Great Flood still two times the earth, but they have not effected(affected) such destroying catastrophies like at the called Great Flood. 36. The last change-over of this kind happened 3500 years ago, from which I will talk still later. 37. The Great Flood 10,079 years ago got called forth by a gigantic comet, which has already effected(affected) very much damage and draws through the universe since very ancient times. 38. We call him the “Destroyer” and we know, him already travelling through (the) universe already since millions of years. 39. From your chronology this dangerous comet owns(has) a revolution period of 575.5 years and will come very dangerously in the reach of the earth in the year of 2255 of your chronology, if not by any cosmic circumstances his course becomes changed or even he becomes destructed . 40. The last passage of this planet took place 295 years ago, and namely in the year of 1680. 41. 10,079 years ago this giant comet, which got originated by a natural cosmical catastrophy, went very near into the region of the earth, and nearly had destroyed her. 42. Alone the knowledge and the abilities of your forefathers, who had settled on earth and created descendants here, prevented from an evil end. 43. Also in the following milleniums the giant comet always was a great menace for the earth - and he also will remain one, until once he gets destroyed himself. 44. The last great catastrophe, that got effected by this comet, was rounded (around) 3500 years ago, as I already mentioned. 45. Exactly it happened 3453 years back in your chronology. 45. By this comet an event happened, which is very seldom in (the) universe, namely a transplantation of a planet: By the huge power of this great comet in a very far solar system a just developing life planet got thrown from his course and pushed out into the cosmic space, in parallel flight run to the destructive giant comet. 47. More than 130 years this planet went behind the giant, and only uncountable slowly he deviated from his course. 48. Then, 3453 years ago, the Destroyer penetrated into the earthly solar system and disarranged by his gigantic forces the planetic courses. 49. Drawing along near the earth, he clothed her into his vast tail and shook her heavily. 50. Extensive storms and volcano eruptions were the consequence. 51. Human beings and animals died in large quantities, mountains got shift(ed) and the depthes of the oceans changed. 52. In the Mediterranean Sea the lava walls of the volcano Santorini got torn deep down and large quantities of water penetrated. 53. This evoke(d) a huge catastrophy, because from this, the volcano exploded and destroyed the isle. 54. The explosion generated a huge stormflood, which grow (grew) about 2,000 meters into the sky and raged like (a)n primeval monster over the ocean. 55. All in it became ki lled and damaged and the water coloured itself bloody red. 56. In Egypt this stormflood over flowded large areas and called up some epidemics, while the floodwave run (ran) back and hurried North-East over the sea and at the eastern shore of the sea, in the present Syria, destroyed(ing) far landscapes and all harbour cities. 57. The comet but shot through the earthly sunsystem and hurried out again into the cosmos, to return after 575.5 years. 58. The in his trails slower following, torn with planet yet, which had about the same size like the earth, shot by about 600,000 kilometers distance along the earth and got captured from the gravity field of the sun. 59. By her gigantic force she coerced the planet into a revolution course between her two next trabants, namely between the Mercury and the Earth. 60. And since then this "transplanted” and "immigrated" planet is known for the earth-human being and he calls him Venus.

+ Fantastic, Semjase.

Semjase 62. The earthly moon, which is originated from a 4.5 million years older small planet, than the earth herself is. 63. It happened millions of years ago. 64. Deep in the unexplored space, in a sun system near to the Milky Way, a lonely star floated far away to the normal courses of the circling around the sun trabants. 65. It was a Dark Star, empty of each life(every or all), very dangerous in its uncalculable course, into which he was flung by a hige(huge) eruption of his native sun. 66. This, when his origin sun by all - shaking explosions of her destruction partly destroyed the her encircling satellites, or shot them as dangerous missiles out into the dark space. 67. The sun herself then collapsed into herself and tore a hole into the uni verse. 68. Her matter pressed itself by vast forces into another and became this ways compressed into a small mass. 69. While the sun had in her normal pulsating state a diameter of eleven million kilometers, so she now shriveled together to a density of only in the whole 4.2 kilometers. 70. Thus the matter became so much compressed, that a single cubic centimeter weighted several thousand tons. 71. Since then she floats as a dark gaping excavation in the cosmos, which from millions of kilometers in periphery tears everything into her, what she is able to seize and what comes into her own. 72. The then from her flung away Dark Star seized hold again in a neighboured sun system and encircled it on an uncalculable course. 73. In the forcefield of the huge sun he encircled for many milleniums her satellites and she sel f, witnessing, he once would let brake (break) in a catastrophy . . . . . . 74. But still far away from the actual worlds, the missing each life Dark Star travelled through the space. 75. Huge and inaccessible he floated through the icy cold of (the) universe - as an expellee, as a wander-planet, as a stranger in a strange system; dark, dangerous and deathbringing. 76. In the ban of the themselves far out stretching force-arms of the sun, he neared himself in run of the milleniums more and more to the actual reach of the satellites of system, which he had encircled since already so long times by continuously increasing velocity. 77. Imperceptible but his course became more and more narrow, and year after year the size of danger grow.(s) 78. With the milleniums he then suddenly and unexspected fell fast into the narrowest ban(d)(orbit) circle of the sun and her planets. 79. Like a gigantic monster he rose from the black of universe and announced death bringing destruction. 80. For the first he only was like a chimera from the nothing, then but one noticed him shadowy and diffuse as half-dark round disk. 81. Now already lighted by the themselves reflecting beams of the sun, he came by immense speed near to the revolution course of the most outside planet. 82. Still but he was in distance of millions of units to the actual core of peaceful calmth, which yet he soon had to change by his gigantic greatness into a bubbling hell, when he forced into the peace of this harmony. 83. But still went times over, until the giant finally left from his course and came in dangerous near. 84. Now already reccgnizable for a round sphere, the destroyer reflected the sunlight, while he draw behind him a fine veil of lighting particles. 85. Still only some hundred-thousand units in distance to the next worlds, he evoked on them hellish storms, which destroyed great areas, which had got cultivated by the there peacefully rising human beings. 85. By trembling shaking for their troublesome gained goods and their already without this hard living, they suddenly saw themselves surrendered to the huge and mercyless powers of the universe. 87. Helpless, cursed, to get surrendered from life to death, they stared out to the heaven, to the giant wander planet, which as cosmic death's missile hurried near. 88. It was still only a question of time, until the forces of cosmos had to unfol d their vast mights. 89. In the night of the third day past the penetration of the destroyer in the courses of the planets, midnight will short have passed, the cosmos-traveller invaded into the elliptic course of the sixth planet. 90. Evoking large cosmic storms, he throw the belonging to this course planet for some units from out his direction and brought him to dangerous course towards sun. 91. Immense eruptions and storms tore the peaceful picture of the flourishing in his beauty star. 92. Effecting collapsing mountains in themselves and throwing oceans from out their beds, he searched for himself a new course around the sun. 93. Full of horror and fright from the vast nature powers, the human beings fled towards the large plains, that overdrew numerously the planet. 94. But the released natural forces were stronger than the will and the rescuing idea of the human beings. 95. Two third(s) of the inhabiteting the planet human beings got killed and murdered, in the released hell of the nature. 96. Wild waters tore away great parts of the solid land, while exploding volcanos digged huge plains under glowing lava and laid in ruins and ashes. 97. The day’s revolution times got twice and the planet run around the sun in contrary direction. 98. Coerced by cosmic destinations, the survivors had to find a new begin(ing) - destituted of each culture - reset into a primeval time of origin. 99. The destroyer yet hurried further on through the system, spreading hell, death and destruction. 100. He cut the course of the fifth planet, a world, being in the start to create first life. 101. This one yet lay at the time of the event fortunately too far in distance from his course, than he had could hurt earnestly. 102. Besides heavy storms and smaller earthquakes at land and sea were on him no worth of mentioning appearings to notice. 103. The fourth satellite of the system should find its destruction in the battle of the worlds. 104. As the smallest of satellites he stoicly performed his course, and seen in predetermination, he exactly had to cross the flight course of the wanderer, when he had him frontal before. 105. And exactly so it happened: He went into the irresistible force of destruction of the giant. 106. Like two wild monsters the both planets raged towards another; a giant and a dwarf. 107. Yet before the(y) both could crash together, huge explosions distorted the lifeless dead dwarf-planet. 108. His broken pieces became flinged out into the endless widths of the universe, where as falling stars or as meteor caught by the forces of other stars and glowing away in their atmospheres they found their finitial end. 109. Further parts of the dwarf got torn into the sun and atomized. 110. Further parts got torn into the destroyer and became a piece of himself there. 111. Flinged like from a giant’s fist, one half of the dwarf planet shot away through the infinited widths of space, towards a very far away aim. 112. Some times he came while his course into the reach of suns and stars, got shook, hit by meteors and falling stars and changed from this his form. 113. Already past few centuries he had reached angular, roundly form. 114. He but was dead and wasted, covered by huge deep craters and unbearabl e for life. 115. By the forces of different systems he slowly got lowered in his speed and some times he changed his course, unt i l he once a day got attracted by the sun of a system and broke into her ban-circle. 116. As dark, dead star he draw (drew or traveled) through all planet's courses of the outer circles without to cause any damages. 117. First in the inner circles he hit some broken pieces of a destroyed planet, which yet only tore deep craters into him. 118. By this yet his course became another time a little changed, what (which) resulted him be coming forced parallel on the course of the second planet, which already created first primitive life. 119. A star, which was covered over by large oceans and dense primeval woods, primeval, deadly and but gruelful phantastic. 120. From this point of time only still 34 days passed, until the dwarf had caught up with the star and beaten got into his ban.(orbit) 121. The forces of the planet sufficed, to tie the dwarf on him and to effect him circling as new satellite around him, in a steady changing itself elliptic course. 122. Since then he circles as Moon around the Earth; 4.5 million years older, than his motherly star. 123. In the far solar system the destroyer yet raged further on. 124. Destroying everything on his course, he throw by unimaginable power the next to the sun planet indirection to the sun, before which in millionfold distance he destroyed himself by huge explosions and fell as smallest partpieces into the sun and atomized. 125. The destroyer himself deviated by few units from out his old course and shot in dangerous near along the sun, back into the widths of space. 125. By the unimaginuble heat of the blazing sun yet the surface of the dangerous wanderer liquified herself, and the by his immense speed thrown away glowing substances and particles generated behind him a hundredthousand units long lighting tail, light beaming, like the destroyer-planet himself, which now had become to a deadly comet. 127. By the zero-cold of cosmic space the surface of the wanderer soon solidified again. 128. His lighting force but remained with him, as well as the lighting tail. Myriads and myriads of smallest particles and substances do cover him since then, overflow him and draw as long tail behind him, lighting and showing to the beings of the universe the course of the comet. 129. By continuous series of meteoric dust parti cles, substances and the corpuscular radiation of the suns he will never loose any more his lighting force, until once a day he falls to his destruction. 130. Still milleniums or further millions of years he will wander through the universe, until by the pulverizing particles he himself will have become into dust, or gets caught by a sun and destroyed. 131. Perhaps but one day human beings will destroy him, like hisself had destroyed already milliardfold life. 132. Since his rise already millions of years have passed, and still ever his course is incalculabe. 133. By manyfold cosmic forces he often very unexspected changes his course and menaces whole sun-systems. 134. In the whole his dangerous course but is so stable, that in run of 575.5 years he always repeated runs through the same sun-systems, but with alternations in the distance of up to one million kilometers. 135. The then far two-third damaged mankind of the far solar system found a new begin(ning). 136. It wa s hard and rich of privations, but while less than nine centuries they built up a new civilization and culture; created and forced by the from cosmic powers risen need. 137. They succeeded in preventing further cosmic catastrophies and destructions. 138. By troublesome researches, labour and voluntary assignment up to the last, they created plans for their new culture and for a far-reaching technical science. 139. Protecting against natural powers habitations got built, and generation for generation collected their knowledge and abilities. 140. Theirs spirit and their knowings improved rapidly, and they soon had achieved a tehnics, which bare of each phantasy beggared each description and possibilities. 141. And the time approached, where they flew by round, disc-like flight machines with beam dr ive out into the infinited wideths of the cosmos. 142. Other sun systems and p1anets got flown to and expeditioned. 143. New worlds and possibilities disclosed themselves, to displant the peoples of the meanwhile having become too small home planet for the new mankind. 144. The scientists with their spaceships and sufficient equipped means of all kind and phantastic possibilities for use explored the space for always newer things. 145. They found many habitable worlds and solar systems, which they often subjected by the irradiation weapons after short, one-sided battle, to conquer them for settlement of their race. 146. Besides their monstrous technics they yet also improved their spirit, thus nothing remained strange for them the longer, what they wanted to explore. 147. The utilization of their spirit's forces became to self-evidence for them, and thus step by step they heaved themselves up ahead other races for governors. 148. They called themselves kings of wisdom, by the wor d IHWH, which o the Earth gets translated by (as) GOD. 149. Far spiritually superior to the common people, they soon governed it in evil, dictatorial f orm. 150. But, past centuries having become tired of the godlike scientists, the people rose against these, for the first by silent revolution. 151. Pressed down yet by the spiritual forces and the large knowledge of the gods, the nations had to bow themselves under their rulers. 152. But their will far freedom let them secretly prepare for fighting. 153. Like a smouldering fire it glowed during five hundred of years, to flame up in the given moment as untamable wild fire torch. 154. From earthly chronology it was about 230,000 years ago when the fights for freedom began. 155. Evil wars invaded many planets, and much became destroyed. 156. A scientist by name Asael used the chance to make himself independant and to flee. 157. Secretly he succeeded to take in possession a large fleet of spaceships, to man them and to flee under heavy war actions. 158. With 183 great spacers and about 250 explorer-ships with total 360,000 human beings on board he fled from his home system. 159. Restless they drew for years through the widths of space, until once a day they found a sunsystem, which offered life possibilities for them, far away from their home system. 160. Past the taking in possession of the planet passed three hundred years, while they created a new mankind. 161. Then they settled two further planets of their new home system, to travel then exploring again through the universe. 162. There they invented the system of the earthly sun. 163. Here they sat down at three different planets and started the building up of a new culture. 164. Yet the planets were still rather inhospitable and often hostile. 165. So they left again the planets and only here and there they made a visit at them. 166. When then on the second planet of the earth first intelligent life started to move, they came again and lived there. 167. As it is in the character of the human being, again fights for the government started, and they left earth . 168. From out the new home planet but the development of the earth got continuously controlled and year for year expeditioned. 169. From time to time always again got tried to settle the planet. 170. Also creatures became just deported to the earth and they simply left there without any technics and help to their fate. 171. They degenerated, got wild and bestialic. 172. Then at last the time came, where the great step finally could be dared. 173. A certain culture got built up, which some thousand years existed. 174. But once more thirst for might broke on, and all became destructed. 175. So the earth fell again to her old character. 176. Then it again needed some milleniums, until a new try got done, now but no more in sense of an actual expedition: On the home planet once again rose dissension in opinions, because the scientists once more lifted themselves up to gods and bate the nations into bondage. 177. Thus resulted, that a group of otherwise thinking scientists and else human beings allied together and took possession of different space ships. 178. About 70,000 human beings fled and settled on the earth. 179. Their upmost leader Pelegon got by all voluntarily acknowledged for an IHWH (god), and kept a tight command. 180. He had nearly two-hundred sub-leaders, who each were responsible for one specialfield of science. 181. They were so to say Sub-gods, or also called guardians. 182. On the home planets yet war invaded, and much got damaged. 183. But the human beings finally gathered the freedom and the peace. 184. This has remained so until now and also will never a time change. 185. From earthly chronology this happened rounded 50,000 years ago. 186. Only on earth herself it was not always so peaceful, and many faults were done. 187. And by one of these mistakes the origin(al) race of the earth became created, whose descendants live today and stay in the intention to comit the same faults, like our forefathers already have done.

+ This is really phantastic, Semjase. Yet how did all run further? I am really anxious for it.

Semjase 188. This do I believe you, yet for today I can not tell you more, as my time is over. 189. The next time you shall learn more.

--KTM 11:55, 24 August 2011 (BST)