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Daniel Leech (talk | contribs)
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: This can also be by the hand of extraterrestrials who say fire some form of particular radiation at a world which specifically causes infertility.
: This can also be by the hand of extraterrestrials who say fire some form of particular radiation at a world which specifically causes infertility.
* '''Solved by their next stage (notabably rare):''' Assuming they make it to the next stage. When development is fast for whatever reason and scientists grab whatever they can get their hands on.
* '''Solved by their next stage (notabably rare):''' Assuming they make it to the next stage. When development is fast for whatever reason and scientists grab whatever they can get their hands on.
: If say a world has a human population with a high spirit evolution i.e. a great propensity to solve problems rapidly, but has for whatever reason such as a genetically modified body, a low range life expectancy, or a particularly stable star system allowing for hundreds of thousands of years of developments until a crescendo. If on top of that they are materialistic and therefore have a monetary system or some form of system allowing for solo work by profession. The overpopulation therefore occuring likely during the stage preceeding the hypertechnology stage. Then, during the hypertechnology stage it may solve itself by an invention, testing, experimentation or roll out of a high technology of some form or another which by that stage it is too late but to not effect them. Similar to the softening too quickly scenario but instead being too brave too quickly without knowing what they are dealing with and not having enough time to stop it. Such as mindless computers, drones, robots which develop a consciousness, technically an artificial intelligence (not a creative spirit form) of their own and fight back, or a bio-organic animal-human with enough consciousness to fight back, cause a big problem etc. Another scenario encapsulated by this style of reduction in overpopulation may be an introduced species from their space conquest, such as a wolf or specialised predator and hunter of human beings or a disease or special consciosness condition which causes a disease like condition which causes a human predator like condition. The situation may either last a short time and reduce the overpopulation and have to repeat again and again or it may be give way to a semi-permanent situation where the remaining human population exists in fear and as assuming the position as the lesser dominant species on the planet. If space conquest had begun by that time, which it most usually would have done for a notable technological civilization, then they would have met their neighbouring extraterrestrials and any applicable federation in their particular galaxy and either been warned by them and rebelled against their warning or not recieved any such warning or not been able to recognise what they were doing with such technologies and how the future may look. Overpopulation is much rarer in the later stages civilizations. It is rare that the situation persists, may factors stand in the way of the situation continueing for any duration.
: If say a world has a human population with a high spirit evolution i.e. a great propensity to solve problems rapidly, but has for whatever reason such as a genetically modified body, a low range life expectancy, or a particularly stable star system allowing for hundreds of thousands of years of developments until a crescendo. If on top of that they are materialistic and therefore have a monetary system or some form of system allowing for solo work by profession. The overpopulation therefore occuring likely during the stage preceeding the hypertechnology stage. Then, during the hypertechnology stage it may solve itself by an invention, testing, experimentation or roll out of a high technology of some form or another which by that stage it is too late but to not effect them. Similar to the softening too quickly scenario but instead being too brave too quickly without knowing what they are dealing with and not having enough time to stop it. Such as mindless computers, drones, robots which develop a consciousness, technically an artificial intelligence (not a creative spirit form) of their own and fight back, or a bio-organic animal-human with enough consciousness to fight back, cause a big problem etc. Another scenario encapsulated by this style of reduction in overpopulation may be an introduced species from their space conquest, such as a wolf or specialised predator and hunter of human beings or a disease or special consciosness condition which causes a disease like condition which causes a human predator like condition. The situation may either last a short time and reduce the overpopulation and have to repeat again and again or it may be give way to a semi-permanent situation where the remaining human population exists in fear and as assuming the position as the lesser dominant species on the planet. If space conquest had begun by that time, which it most usually would have done for a notable technological civilization, then they would have met their neighbouring extraterrestrials and any applicable federation in their particular galaxy and either been warned by them and rebelled against their warning or not recieved any such warning or not been able to recognise what they were doing with such technologies and how the future may look. Overpopulation is much rarer in the later stages civilizations. It is rare that the situation persists, many factors stand in the way of the situation continueing for any duration. One of the factors is that most humans don’t want such a situation and stop it, most humans don’t hold their planet in contempt and want pleasant things and most human populations have some form of leadership or governance of some form or another, all of which halt such developments before they become overpopulation reduction candidates.
* '''Resource depletion (very rare):''' Running out of resources etc.
* '''Resource depletion (very rare):''' Running out of resources etc.
: Confined to isolated situations on water worlds (earth is a water world) where the entire population for whatever reason is confined to a small island and for whatever reason doesn't leave that island. It's rare because a planetary oxygen collapse would usually come first if the planet had been globalised but with an island like rapa nui (easter island example) there would be no climate change as the rest of the land mass would be enough to sustain the atmosphere. The principles and narrative of events are similar to Easter island, first they run out of trees or plants then they get angry with one another or simply have too little nourishment to continue overpopulated.
: Confined to isolated situations on water worlds (earth is a water world) where the entire population for whatever reason is confined to a small island and for whatever reason doesn't leave that island. It's rare because a planetary oxygen collapse would usually come first if the planet had been globalised but with an island like rapa nui (easter island example) there would be no climate change as the rest of the land mass would be enough to sustain the atmosphere. The principles and narrative of events are similar to Easter island, first they run out of trees or plants then they get angry with one another or simply have too little nourishment to continue overpopulated.

Revision as of 01:14, 13 July 2018

This article is not an official FIGU publication.

Lists of content about and associated with overpopulation.


Overpopulation occurs when a species population exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. Planets with a 13k km diameter have around a 500 million individual carrying capacity, assuming they wish to retain all existing species that evolved there before them for posterity, aim to successfully manage their existence and avoid a planetary atmospheric oxygen collapse. It can result from an increase in births (fertility rate), a decline in the mortality rate, an increase in immigration, an unsustainable biome, depletion of resources or several other reasons. Moreover, it means that if there are too many folk in the same habitat, those folk are limiting the availability of resources available for other folk to survive. Thriving, prospering and growing; flourishing, slows, even ceases without anyone knowing about it nor what it was like before; in societies where overpopulation is a subject that too few dare address and where there is an absence of public dialogue about the progression of time and/or commentary is silenced for whatever reason. There are many reasons why so few dare speak about it and that its never been addressed publicly in most countries; one of those reasons is the inevitable conversation of having to exist with less and the uncomfortable manoeuvres folk will have to make in silence to palliate the effects of more for less.

List of Articles related to Overpopulation

An Extensive and Threatening Topic Nobody Dares to Address

Growth charts and data arrangements

Various presentations of different kinds of information

List of Contact Reports related to Overpopulation

Sample: "that on that or on a planet of the Centaurus groups, a people lives in overpopulation, which comprises about 120 billion, so these,..."
Sample: "planet disposes the normal population-size and does not become subject to overpopulation...."
Sample: "From this, it follows that with the number of the overpopulation - containing not determined as well as irresponsibly produced descendants - ...other 2 points, i.e. 2 years. But for every decrease of 500 million in the overpopulation, seen from today's 4.3 billion figure,..."
Sample: "at their present habitat is becoming dangerous for them and that simply an overpopulation of their kind is taking place, then there arises in them the ..."
Sample: "birth control be enforced, because only through this can too excessive an overpopulation be avoided and even further privation, criminality, hate against fellow..."
Sample: "sorts of disaster. And since there are more and more people as a result of overpopulation, more and more people are also hit by lightning, which usually has deadly c..."
Sample: "had to emigrate as a consequence of overpopulation."
Sample: "The inevitable happened as a result of the fault of the overpopulation of Earth humans, because, through their spreading out, they destroyed t..."
Sample: "Torture, Death Penalty and Overpopulation"
Sample: "and they would play a dominant role in enforcing measures to combat overpopulation."
Sample: "increasingly generate more epidemics and diseases to combat the escalating overpopulation? Isn't it true that the excessive proliferation by human beings makes..."
Sample: "his excessive procreation of offspring. Such behaviour has led to overpopulation, every type of ensuing ill and religious-sectarian insanity..."
Sample: "Further to name is the worldwide unemployment, the ceaselessly growing overpopulation and the apathy of the humans to one another, the ever faster disappearing o..."
Sample: "and negative consequences of overpopulation thus the vitality of a rigorous birth control. ...retaliation, jealousy, war, and destruction would gradually disappear, and overpopulation and environmental degradation, along with many other ills,..."
Sample: "useless anyway because they would not remedy the basic problem, namely overpopulation ... ...misery, and so forth, is clearly identifiable with the incessantly growing overpopulation."
Sample: "reduction can, singly and alone, only come about through the prevention of overpopulation, because actually only in that way does all the nonsensical production of C ...olutions, which are effective worldwide, for the radical decimation of the overpopulation, would be made and carried out and certainly by means of a worldwide, regul..."
Sample: "catastrophes, is only their very own fault, which is founded in the rampant overpopulation. Admittedly, worldwide, there is talk about climate change; also at the cli ...oncerning descendents can play any role in this at all. As a result of the overpopulation, created by the Earth human beings, and the climatic catastrophe which is t..."
Sample: "which as a result only could have occurred if the rapidly increasing overpopulation would have been stemmed and prevented. Only in this way would it still have ... etc., the blame for the total climate disaster, but not the mass of human overpopulation and its degenerations and criminal machinations against the planet ..."
Sample: "refugees, economic refugees and criminals. Of course, that the overpopulation plays an essential role with the entirety of the immigrants..."
Sample: "They also talk further about overpopulation and its manifold deadly effects infringement into every concern. ...egard to the malicious consequences that will originate from the worldwide overpopulation, which idiotically and irresponsibly is continuing to breed and always ...."
Sample: "the link between overpopulation and climate change, the specifics of the Earth humans exclusivity to holder ...rth, namely in reference to their irresponsible perspective of breeding to overpopulation with all its arising machinations regarding the global destruction of natur..."
Sample: "powers who are criminals against humanity, (in which) criminality and overpopulation know no more bounds, (in which) nature and the climate are destroyed throug ..., for robbery, rape, the destruction of families, terrorism, prostitution, overpopulation, the destruction of the environment, destruction of the climate.."
Sample: "preoccupies itself with the following vital issues: the fight against overpopulation;"
Sample: Elisabeth Moosbrugger -- Overpopulation
Sample: "are outlined in the FIGU pamphlet A Crusade Against Overpopulation. this also with FIGU's Overpopulation brochure #4, pages 13-21 -- at this time it is..."
Sample: "breeding of human overpopulation. A false type of humanitarianism results, whereby..."
Sample: warnings had fallen regarding Earth's overpopulation and overindustrialization."
Sample: "In your Overpopulation brochure #3, page 9, you state a family of 5 requires since the terrestrial population, in a mad breeding spree, created this overpopulation..."
Sample: "And the origin of everything is overpopulation, which, however, neither humanity nor the responsible scientists, authorities..."

Further associated reading

Sample: "Fundamentally, god is an invention of the human being, respectively, of the human brain, whereby, in the human being, over millions of years, the imaginary divinity has been inherited in a form of schizophrenic, epileptic delusion and has established itself in the temporal lobes as well as in the parietal lobes. Religious experiences which arise thereby constitute forms of schizophrenic delusion and are the result of a genetically inherited religious belief."
Sample: Arahat Athersata and the Plejaren repeatedly advise us in particular about our out-of-control overpopulation problem and, as of 1975, recommended a strict, humane plan of world-wide birth control (which we arrogantly and self-destructively ignored, and continue to ignore. Countries like Australia even promote the growth of our population for economic reasons even as our water and other resources are increasingly reduced and contaminated!)."
Sample: "and in the end an oxygen and atmospheric collapse occurred. Only 116 million were able to be rescued and resettled on other worlds by the Plejaren."
Sample: "Is there a new calculation for reincarnating lives in the present time ? I assume that spirits are coming back into new lives sooner than the standard lifetime plus one half, because of overpopulation. ANSWER: Yes, they are coming back sooner."
Sample: "The resulting effect of overpopulation on reincarnation. It causes a new consciousness and new personality to incarnate with the reincarnation of the spirit-form only a very short time after death and time in the beyond unfortunately."
Sample: "We wish that a normal state of population and births be strived for on Earth and, in this regard, effective worldwide birth control be enforced, because only through this can too excessive an overpopulation be avoided and even further privation, criminality, hate against fellow men, wars, exploitation of Earth’s resources to the utmost, as well as new diseases, epidemics and misery be avoided and contained."
Sample: "His stance on the overpopulation issue – a taboo subject, has brought him no fame or favour."
Sample: "unreasonable, unlawful and despicable manner, which resulted in an overpopulation of planet Kudra, whose inhabitants could no longer feed and sustain ..."
Sample: "on July 17, 1975 during my great journey, in fact already is to have threatened an approximately Earth sized planet named Akart through overpopulation stupidity, because in 1975 already 23 billion human beings lived there. To my knowledge the inhabitants of Akart belong to your federation, as well as others from other regions there. Also Kohun and Athar."

Summary of absolution, final and palliation solutions

A reasonable quantity of Planets won't ever run into the problem of overpopulation, depending on the evolutionary calibration. Those that do, cannot avoid some form of solution. Here is a selection and list of outcomes in summary of the above information.

Depending on the calibration of a world.

Knowingly - dignity; the conscious, meaningful, generative, eloquent methods. i.e facing reality directly

  • Democracy (recommended): Education, reasoning, prevalent awareness, voluntary action etc.
adoption of a barrier method for intercourse such as a condom. Scientific results dissemination. Requires a high level of education if the evolution/naturally given reasoning is low.
Worlds divided by nations into the hundreds have less chance of achieving the democratic route.
When a worlds population reaches a critical level however education is no longer possible any longer, becomes out of control quickly and the time for education is no longer a viable opportunity because a "shit we're gonna die" overrides reason, when the pilot, navigator, leader is no longer able to be heard, or drowned out by the noise of it, and people begin talking and shouting over one another until no one can hear anyone anymore. - Then the below examples are inevitable.
  • Dictatorship: Law, sterilization, punishments, brute-force, military actions etc.
threatening and aggressive methods, direct war, usually at the final realisation of impending doom but informed. Only possible when a dictatorship exists.
  • Intervention (very rare): Extraterrestrials may intervene in very rare cases.
Not possible for Earth due to the calibration. Alliance and/or monitoring as a prerequisite. Isolated to very old civilizations which have been afflicted by another civilization (not an earth case scenario)
Imposition of an external off world dictatorship which includes procreation laws of some kind or another.

Unknowingly - indignity; the rude awakening, uncritical, naive, unsophisticated, unsuspecting methods. i.e avoiding reality

  • War, famine and pandemic: Natural cull, dieback, allowing nature to do its thing, relying on big war without knowing why, economically calculated encouraged, relying on anything which means they don't have to ever talk about the issue of overpopulation itself etc.
Has to repeat often, repeatable, tends to reoccur regularly, quickly overpopulated again.
  • Open delusion: Myths, traditions, deluding themselves into reducing the population.
Making up some weird delusional very high-handed story to change the behaviour. Manipulation, rhetoric, strong beliefs, strong religious affiliations prerequisite, high priest/high ruler situation etc. May include some form of mass suicide under a different name. Mass suicide under a different name may also be a thing with the dictatorship type models too, such as say the branding of a 'peaceful quieting' or 'going on to a better place' etc
  • Alternative genocide, sporadic cull, alternative managed balance: Man-made diseases, genetically engineered viruses etc.
In cases where a world has an exclusively very small minority of incredibly powerful individuals and no other supporting mechanisms among the rest of the people i.e begging the wealthy minority because they have everything and the majority has to serve them, but which have the liberty to breed unrestricted amongst themselves. The so-called sporadic cull now and again to maintain a particular type of managed balance. So they continue to feel like they have unlimited freedom and they don't have to talk about the facts of the arrangement. Typically only possible on worlds with an oligarchy i.e a very powerful group of individuals with business and political power in combination with megalomania and poor advisor's. The film snowpiercer 2013 contains a micro example of such a system.
  • Open genocide: Using say nuclear weapons or some other weapon side by side to clear a world of all life.
Those that remain are forced to live in bunkers or underground somewhere for several centuries or this may indeed be the extinction event for them too which is why its under the non-reality confrontation category. Typically occurs on worlds that have deceived themselves where a rude awakening occurs at the last moment. Great conflict, strife, and all possible hardship culmination, leading to a hasty, rash, idiotic solution by a few utter idiots. Only possible on worlds who have for whatever reason given hundreds of trillions of dollars in funding to a minority of military individuals or if without a monetary system or some other system where again a minority has rule of a horrendous arsenal of planet capable annihilating weapons at their disposal. Typically on partial-democracy and dictatorship worlds with capitalism.
  • Deprivation (rare): Removal of liberties strategically, taking away the ability to sustain themselves.
A minority owning or controlling everything and then pricing or preventing some way everyone out of existence, only the army and controller which enforced it remains, typically only possible on worlds with extraterrestrial population due to disparity between knowledge, with particular contempt, knowledge and power complex.
  • Planetary oxygen collapse: Atmospheric change.
The composition changes, typically due to critical balance flora depletion, first killing most of the rest of the flora, followed by the fauna, finally followed by drastic reduction in the human population due to only special types of algae and mosses being able to survive, and finally a very limited quantity of humans may survive under horribly deprived conditions for several hundreds of years while the atmosphere recovers. A similar scenario can also occur due to cosmic events such as meteors etc. Reduction of light penetrating the atmosphere, plants need light etc.
  • Softening too quickly: Vulnerability, technological dependence, weakening of aspiration and will to live etc.
Depending on technology to sustain the population and then say a solar event destroying that technologies ability to function, or say a computer virus causing it to malfunction, or something more trivial such as being too fat to breed anymore, or finding breeding distasteful.
  • Infertility: Unable to breed anymore for some or another reason.
Possibilities such as an unassuming invention, a biological change, perhaps a genetic alteration, some form of cell mutation, perhaps a type of disease.
This can also be by the hand of extraterrestrials who say fire some form of particular radiation at a world which specifically causes infertility.
  • Solved by their next stage (notabably rare): Assuming they make it to the next stage. When development is fast for whatever reason and scientists grab whatever they can get their hands on.
If say a world has a human population with a high spirit evolution i.e. a great propensity to solve problems rapidly, but has for whatever reason such as a genetically modified body, a low range life expectancy, or a particularly stable star system allowing for hundreds of thousands of years of developments until a crescendo. If on top of that they are materialistic and therefore have a monetary system or some form of system allowing for solo work by profession. The overpopulation therefore occuring likely during the stage preceeding the hypertechnology stage. Then, during the hypertechnology stage it may solve itself by an invention, testing, experimentation or roll out of a high technology of some form or another which by that stage it is too late but to not effect them. Similar to the softening too quickly scenario but instead being too brave too quickly without knowing what they are dealing with and not having enough time to stop it. Such as mindless computers, drones, robots which develop a consciousness, technically an artificial intelligence (not a creative spirit form) of their own and fight back, or a bio-organic animal-human with enough consciousness to fight back, cause a big problem etc. Another scenario encapsulated by this style of reduction in overpopulation may be an introduced species from their space conquest, such as a wolf or specialised predator and hunter of human beings or a disease or special consciosness condition which causes a disease like condition which causes a human predator like condition. The situation may either last a short time and reduce the overpopulation and have to repeat again and again or it may be give way to a semi-permanent situation where the remaining human population exists in fear and as assuming the position as the lesser dominant species on the planet. If space conquest had begun by that time, which it most usually would have done for a notable technological civilization, then they would have met their neighbouring extraterrestrials and any applicable federation in their particular galaxy and either been warned by them and rebelled against their warning or not recieved any such warning or not been able to recognise what they were doing with such technologies and how the future may look. Overpopulation is much rarer in the later stages civilizations. It is rare that the situation persists, many factors stand in the way of the situation continueing for any duration. One of the factors is that most humans don’t want such a situation and stop it, most humans don’t hold their planet in contempt and want pleasant things and most human populations have some form of leadership or governance of some form or another, all of which halt such developments before they become overpopulation reduction candidates.
  • Resource depletion (very rare): Running out of resources etc.
Confined to isolated situations on water worlds (earth is a water world) where the entire population for whatever reason is confined to a small island and for whatever reason doesn't leave that island. It's rare because a planetary oxygen collapse would usually come first if the planet had been globalised but with an island like rapa nui (easter island example) there would be no climate change as the rest of the land mass would be enough to sustain the atmosphere. The principles and narrative of events are similar to Easter island, first they run out of trees or plants then they get angry with one another or simply have too little nourishment to continue overpopulated.
  • Desertification, Mad Max scenario and post apocalyptic scenario: Planet already depleted for whatever reason, after a catastrophic event.
Overpopulation cannot sustain itself because of a previous event which has desolated the environment, so any overpopulation soon cannot be sustained, not enough food. Includes cannablism and other depraved desperate situations, continuous conflict, endless wandering of the world, overpopulation ending as quickly as it begins and perhaps similar features to the film Mad Max fury road. The population quantity will be considered low by healthy world standards, but will be overpopulated in terms of carrying capacity due to the desertification because plant and animal life cannot survive, but humans can find ways. This would continue for hundreds even thousands of years depending on how the situation came into being and why the planet is in the state it's in.
  • Intervention (very rare): Purely as a species preservation task.
Where the population faces extinction and is nearer the extinction end of the sequence i.e when say less than 5% of the population remains, i.e quantity manageable task to preserve. Only if the planet is being monitored and very few of them are. Earth is a candidate for this. Its a last resort because it makes them then dependant on their saviours.
