External Links
Note to Webmasters: Please insert a link to your website on this page if it is related to Billy Meier in a neutral or neutral-positive sense. Thanks - FoM Webmaster

There is a song named after the flower, which has been included on the Peaceful Music page, Richard Rodgers - Edelweiss (YouTube external link)
Good day, goodbye and farewell.
Official FIGU Websites
Official FIGU Country Groups
- FIGU Switzerland (links page) - FIGU Mother Centre, SSSC - (in English - google translate)
- FIGU Canada - FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada
- FIGU Australia - FIGU-Landesgruppe Australia
Official FIGU Study Groups
FIGU study groups are study groups consisting of at least 2 passive members that hold a regular monthly meeting.
Official FIGU Interest Groups
FIGU interest groups are study groups consisting of at least 2 passive members that meet at a self-determined frequency.
- creationaltruth.org (Schöpfungswahrheit) - FIGU-Interessengruppe United States
- californiaforfigu.org - FIGU-Interessengruppe California, USA
- coloradoforfigu.org - FIGU-Interessengruppe Colorado, USA
- figuohio.org - FIGU-Interessengruppe Ohio, USA
- figu-england.co.uk - FIGU-Interessengruppe England, UK
Other Official FIGU Websites
- FIGU Switzerland's translation Page (English)
- FIGU Dictionary Site
- BEAM Portal (German) - Eduard Albert Meier's personal website.
Official Forums (Now Read-Only)
- English FIGU Forum - FIGU Forum - Your Questions to Billy Meier, Answered
- German FIGU Forum - (in English (read-only) as a "Guest" - google translate)
- Italian FIGU Forum - (in English (read-only) as a "Guest" - google translate)
- TheyFly.com - Michael Horn
- TheyFlyblog.com - Michael Horn (see FIGU News)
- gaiaguys.net - Gaiaguys website (archived)
- David Chance's knowledge compilations
- clemmm.googlepages.com - Clemmm's English Translations
- tjresearch.info - James W. Deardorff's Research of The Talmud of Jmmanuel website (archived)
- billymeiertranslations.com - Billy Meier Translations
- myspace.com/billymeiercontactreports - Billy Meier Contact Reports MySpace Blog
- ufofacts.me.uk - UFO Facts by Stephen Moore
- thecircleforhumanity.net - The Circle For Humanity - Group dedicated to overpopulation problem
- avilabooks.com/writings.htm - Dr. Dietmar Rothe's writings
- revolutionoftruth.com - Charles Page's The Revolution Of Truth
- wahrheit7x7.webs.com - Jose Barreto's Human Being of the Earth
- eir.forever.kz - Eurasian Institute of research in “Billy” E.A. Meierology
- michaelhesemann.com - Michael Hesemann's Archived Website
- - facebook.com/groups/Nokodemion/ - Facebook Study Group
- methimeier.wordpress.com - Methusalem Meier's Blog
- towardthetruth.org - Toward The Truth
- ufoprophet.blogspot.in - Mahesh Karumudi's collection of Archives
- billymeieruforesearch.com - Mahesh Karumudi's collection of Archives
- billymeierhkresearch.org - Hong Kong based listing of links modeled on theyfly.com
- exopoliticsohio.us - An arrangement of linked summaries and excerpts. (see PPKB)
- pinterest...ufo-contactee-billy-meier - Norm’s meme’s and info postcard pictures
- meiersaken.info - Kåre Bergheim's Website
- beam2eng.blogspot.co.uk - Billy Meier Translations
- tjresearch.info - James Deardorff - Talmud Jmmanuel research
- billymeier.wordpress.com - Beam of light
- gregdougall.wordpress.com - Greg dougall's website
- creationaltruth.org (Schöpfungswahrheit) - Many FIGU articles and translations
Non-English Billy Meier Links
You may add language relevant links here and additional languages, even if there are no URLs discovered for that language yet, if you would like to, but please no ancient languages even if that is interesting, there are other areas of the website for that. Please no strongly negative or for that matter strongly positive links, we're looking to present reasonably neutral website links here. If you discover broken links, dead links, inappropriate links etc., thank you for letting us know in the comments section - or logging in and amending them.
Français (French)
français - français
- billymeiertraductionsfr.blogspot.co.uk
- prophetiehenoch.blogspot.co.uk
- BillyMeierInFrench Youtube Channel
- Friends of Billy Meier and FIGU
- la-revolution-silencieuse-de-la-verite.xyz
- Des Vérités secrètes et cachées au grand public sont ici
ovni007.tripod.com - www.mondenouveau.fr Le contacté Billy Meier
Español (Spanish)
español - español
- FIGU Espanol - FIGU-Landesgruppe Espana
- pleyadescontacto.com
- pleyadescontacto.blogspot.com
- informeovni.net
- Billy Meier (Wikipedia)
- granmisterio.org/2014/01/11/
- ufo.com.br
普通話 (Chinese) (Putonghua) (Mandarin)
中文, cmn - 中文
- https://billymeier.org/zh-cn/
- BillyBooks: 比利叢書HK
- BillyMeierHongKongResearchCentre (BEAMHK): 比利.邁爾香港研究中心HK - English Version
广东话 (Cantonese)
粵語 - 粵語
हिंदी (Hindi)
हिन्दी - हिन्दी
Deutsch (German)
Deutsch - Deutsch
- FIGU Deutschland - FIGU-Landesgruppe Deutschland
- freundderwahrheit.de - Friend of Truth
Österreich (Austrian German)
Deutsch - Deutsch
Schweizer (Swiss German)
Deutsch - Deutsch
Česká republika (Czech)
čeština - čeština
Português (Portuguese)
português - português
<img border="0" src="" alt="Gary Kinder Anos Luz" width="60" height="80" style="float:right">
Italiano (Italian)
italiano - italiano
Gàidhlig & Gaeilge (Scottish & Irish Gaelic)
Gàidhlig - Gàidhlig - Gaeilge - Gaeilge
Cymraeg (Welsh) (Cambrian)
Cymraeg - Cymraeg
日本語 (Japanese)
日本語 - 日本語
العربية (Arabic)
العربية - العربية
Pусский (Russian)
русский - русский
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polski - polski
Yкраїнський (Ukrainian)
українська - українська
Dansk (Danish)
dansk - dansk
Norsk (Norwegian)
norsk, norsk bokmål, norsk bokmål - norsk
Svenska (Swedish)
svenska - svenska
<img border="0" src="" alt="se.figu.org" width="80" height="80" style="float:right">
Nederlands (Dutch)
Nederlands - Nederlands
Magyar (Hungarian)
magyar - magyar
한국어 (Korean)
한국어 - 한국어
မြန်မာ (Burmese)
မြန်မာဘာသာ - မြန်မာဘာသာ
Kiswahili (Swahili)
Kiswahili - Kiswahili
Afrikaans (Afrikaans)
Afrikaans - Afrikaans
Hայերեն (Armenian)
հայերեն - հայերեն
ελληνικά (Greek)
Ελληνικά - Ελληνικά
اردو (Urdu)
اردو - اردو
Türkçe (Turkish)
Türkçe - Türkçe
Overpopulation-concerned Sites
- Population Matters
- www.overpopulation.org - World Population Awareness
- www.everythingconnects.org - Overpopulation
- The Green Party - UK
Similar authors
With nearing ten thousand million human beings on Earth you’d think we could find some similar individuals wouldn’t you, well we can’t.
- Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has some similarities, often referred to simply as Sadhguru, he is an Indian yogi, mystic, and author. Listen to him on YouTube.
- Ray Loveday has some interesting parallels, even if abstract. Ray is another word for BEAM in English, and BEAM wrote a book called Law of Love (book). Ray has written a book called “Hikey Sprites: The Twilight of a Norfolk Tradition”, Ray's personal mission was to preserve the elusive Hikey Sprites, which are similar to Rods: Bio-organisms and Energy Objects which live in Norfolk and Suffolk, England, which have turned into folklore, and SSSC has gnomes in the garden. The flag of East Anglia is like the Swiss and Haute Savoie flag colour inverted.
Truth is there are no similar authors in the whole world and in all history, because BEAM, FIGU and Plejaren have pointed out things that few ever saw or knew before.