
From Future Of Mankind

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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

//collapsible table column test, based on:
  console.log ('Hiding first column of table with an id of report');
  $( "table#collapsible_report > tbody:last-child > tr > th:first-child" ).toggle();
  $( "table#collapsible_report > tbody:last-child > tr > td:first-child" ).toggle();
  if ($(this).text() == "Hide English"){
    $(this).text("Show English");
  } else {
    $(this).text("Hide English");

  console.log ('Hiding second column of table with an id of report');
  $( "table#collapsible_report > tbody:last-child > tr > th:last-child" ).toggle();
  $( "table#collapsible_report > tbody:last-child > tr > td:last-child" ).toggle();
  if ($(this).text() == "Hide High German"){
    $(this).text("Show High German");
  } else {
    $(this).text("Hide High German");

  console.log ('Hiding second column of table with an id of report');
  $( "table#collapsible_report > tbody:last-child > tr > th:last-child" ).toggle();
  $( "table#collapsible_report > tbody:last-child > tr > td:last-child" ).toggle();
  if ($(this).text() == "Hide German"){
    $(this).text("Show German");
  } else {
    $(this).text("Hide German");

// hide the german by default, on page load, but only if the btnHideGerman element exists on the page
if (document.getElementById("btnHideGerman")) {
  console.log('btnHideGerman exists');
} else {
  // do stuff
  console.log('btnHideGerman does not exist');

* @module referencePreview

import { renderPopup } from '../popup/popup';
import { createNodeFromTemplate, escapeHTML } from '../templateUtil';

const templateHTML = `
<div class="mwe-popups-container">
<div class="mwe-popups-extract">
<div class="mwe-popups-scroll">
<strong class="mwe-popups-title">
<span class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-element"></span>
<span class="mwe-popups-title-placeholder"></span>
<div class="mw-parser-output"></div>
<div class="mwe-popups-fade"></div>
<div class="mwe-popups-settings"></div>

const LOGGING_SCHEMA = 'event.ReferencePreviewsPopups';
let isTracking = false;
$( () => {
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPopupsReferencePreviews' ) &&
navigator.sendBeacon &&
mw.config.get( 'wgIsArticle' ) &&
) {
isTracking = true;
mw.track( LOGGING_SCHEMA, { action: 'pageview' } );
} );

* @param {ext.popups.ReferencePreviewModel} model
* @return {JQuery}
export function renderReferencePreview(
) {
const type = model.referenceType || 'generic';
// The following messages are used here:
// * popups-refpreview-book
// * popups-refpreview-journal
// * popups-refpreview-news
// * popups-refpreview-note
// * popups-refpreview-web
let titleMsg = mw.message( `popups-refpreview-${type}` );
if ( !titleMsg.exists() ) {
titleMsg = mw.message( 'popups-refpreview-reference' );

const $el = renderPopup( model.type, createNodeFromTemplate( templateHTML ) );
$el.find( '.mwe-popups-title-placeholder' )
.replaceWith( escapeHTML( titleMsg.text() ) );
// The following classes are used here:
// * mw-ui-icon-reference-generic
// * mw-ui-icon-reference-book
// * mw-ui-icon-reference-journal
// * mw-ui-icon-reference-news
// * mw-ui-icon-reference-note
// * mw-ui-icon-reference-web
$el.find( '.mwe-popups-title .mw-ui-icon' )
.addClass( `mw-ui-icon-reference-${type}` );
$el.find( '.mw-parser-output' )
.html( model.extract );

// Make sure to not destroy existing targets, if any
$el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract a[href][class~="external"]:not([target])' ).each( ( i, a ) => { = '_blank';
// Don't let the external site access and possibly manipulate window.opener.location
a.rel = `${a.rel ? `${a.rel} ` : ''}noopener`;
} );

// We assume elements that benefit from being collapsible are to large for the popup
$el.find( '.mw-collapsible' ).replaceWith( $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mwe-collapsible-placeholder' )
$( '<span>' )
.addClass( 'mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-element mw-ui-icon-infoFilled' ),
$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mwe-collapsible-placeholder-label' )
.text( mw.msg( 'popups-refpreview-collapsible-placeholder' ) )

// Undo remaining effects from the jquery.tablesorter.js plugin
$el.find( 'table.sortable' ).removeClass( 'sortable jquery-tablesorter' )
.find( '.headerSort' ).removeClass( 'headerSort' ).attr( { tabindex: null, title: null } );

// TODO: Remove when not in Beta any more
if ( !mw.config.get( 'wgPopupsReferencePreviewsBetaFeature' ) ) {
// TODO: Do not remove this but move it up into the templateHTML constant!
$el.find( '.mwe-popups-settings' ).append(
$( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'mwe-popups-settings-icon' )
$( '<span>' )
.addClass( 'mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-element mw-ui-icon-small mw-ui-icon-settings' )
} else {
// Change the styling when there is no content in the footer (to prevent empty space)
$el.find( '.mwe-popups-container' ).addClass( 'footer-empty' );

if ( isTracking ) {
$el.find( '.mw-parser-output' ).on( 'click', 'a', () => {
mw.track( LOGGING_SCHEMA, {
action: 'clickedReferencePreviewsContentLink'
} );
} );

$el.find( '.mwe-popups-scroll' ).on( 'scroll', function ( e ) {
const element =,
// We are dealing with floating point numbers here when the page is zoomed!
scrolledToBottom = element.scrollTop >= element.scrollHeight - element.clientHeight - 1;

if ( isTracking ) {
if ( !element.isOpenRecorded ) {
mw.track( LOGGING_SCHEMA, {
action: 'poppedOpen',
scrollbarsPresent: element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight
} );
element.isOpenRecorded = true;

if (
element.scrollTop > 0 &&
) {
mw.track( LOGGING_SCHEMA, {
action: 'scrolled'
} );
element.isScrollRecorded = true;

if ( !scrolledToBottom && element.isScrolling ) {

const $extract = $( element ).parent(),
hasHorizontalScroll = element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth,
scrollbarHeight = element.offsetHeight - element.clientHeight,
hasVerticalScroll = element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight,
scrollbarWidth = element.offsetWidth - element.clientWidth;
$extract.find( '.mwe-popups-fade' ).css( {
bottom: hasHorizontalScroll ? `${scrollbarHeight}px` : 0,
right: hasVerticalScroll ? `${scrollbarWidth}px` : 0
} );

element.isScrolling = !scrolledToBottom;
$extract.toggleClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-out', element.isScrolling );
} );

return $el;