Talk:Interview with Billy (2011)

From Future Of Mankind
Revision as of 21:44, 3 January 2012 by Markvd (talk | contribs) (Comment provided by Markvd - via ArticleComments extension)

Comments on Interview with Billy (2011) <comments />

Markvd said ...

I have learned that there is a very special 11 year old girl multiplied many times and that we carry over in a sense traits we have learned to a certain degree. I suggest everyone list down there worst traits and improve upon them to head down a more stable and creative path, rather than a barbaric destructive path. :) Thanks once again 2011 edition BEAM contribution.

--Markvd 19:23, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

I just noticed someone is cheating in terms of life on Earth all fingers pointed to "GILGAMESH" j/k

--Markvd 19:37, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Sheila said ...

Hi Mark, along with the worst traits one should also write down their best ones to keep a balanced perspective. Also very important to forgive those that you feel have wronged you as chances are they did not realize what they had done. I've always felt my essence was Justice - and that's probably why I called the corporal a liar, because he was one. But I've forgiven him because he's only human and only wanted to protect his fellow officers kids from being charged with a crime. I've even forgiven his fellow officer for following me to work to try and intimidate me. It's been a hard road standing up for what is right but well worth it.

--Sheila 19:57, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

I am going to avoid helping single individuals from now on and try and come up with a larger strategy to help all of mankind instead. I do not feel humanity at this time has shown enough to warrant effort, they must find there own path in order to really understand their own unique spirit. Many lifetimes from now they will get better but best to avoid them when they are at there worst.

--Markvd 23:04, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

People are aware of what they do, it is if they choose not to do it to others because they are advanced enough to know right from wrong. It is true every lifetime is different but once they do something incorrect it is very hard to forget it because it remains until they pass on once again to the next life. People must be very careful and cautious when acting because people will see them for who they really are and it is in most cases not a pleasant site to see.

--Markvd 23:10, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Leandro from Argentina said ...

Hi I'm Leandro, I wonder if the pagan religions or ethnic continue to exist

--Leandro from Argentina 19:18, 23 November 2011 (UTC)

Zameen said ...

James- it looks like knaves have invaded this site again. uuugghhh!!

--Zameen 22:01, 23 November 2011 (UTC)

Hawaiian said ...


Yeah, seems like "they" are getting more creative, but still appear with rather "odd" naming conventions.


That 11 year old Plejaren girl has been properly nurtured in an environment well suited for educational as well as evolutionary development. Gilgamesh's biological attributes have been altered for extra long life cycles.

Earthly humans are the same as other humans, however because their life cycles and other attributes have been tampered with, they must fulfill creational evolution requirements on a much disadvantaged scale, being bio-electrical-magnetic in nature with a psyche as other entities are, Earth humans have a capacity to catch up, if the environment to do so becomes condusive for development.

--Hawaiian 22:44, 23 November 2011 (UTC)

Sheila said ...

Hi Leandro, it is best to lose all religious dogmas and indoctrinations. Must be tough to live in Argentina where most are catholic? There are parts of some ethnic/pagan beliefs that come close to the truth. But close ain't good enough! And if they are beliefs and you want a true picture, it's better if you lose all your pre-conceived notions.

--Sheila 01:27, 24 November 2011 (UTC)

debbie said ...

I have watched that interview on utube. It was great to see billy,he looks great! I thought they were very well thought of questions to ask Billy and it is really a credit to the children that they thought of these questions,well done guys :) 'Billy for kids' is a really great site, filled with great information that appeals to the younger with some very cool fun stuff to do,such as flying the beamship,must admit even mum and dad like do have a go at that ! LOL. Our 10 year old daughter likes to go to 'Billy for kids' and read the stories etc.. and fly the ships. Thanks for all the hard work for making such a great site for the kids!! Love and Peace to all :)

--Cupnsaucer 20:27, 1 December 2011 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

I disagree Hawaiian if there are people that can maintain high moral values in a world such as ours success is possible but trying to "manipulate" situations as you are trying to accomplish does not help that case. :)

--Markvd 22:32, 1 December 2011 (UTC)

Hawaiian said ...


The problem with the vast majority of people on Earth and unfortunately also on websites of this nature is that they do not utilize their true potentials in addressing both their spiritual development and environments through more than a three-dimensional prospective.

Meaning that one needs to view both their material and non-material environments and logically deduce the fact that because humans are so very familiar throughout the universes in these attributes including the fact that we are all biological-electrical-magnetic beings with a psyche that is encapsulated by a non-material spiritual force, similar in nature to a electrical CAPACITOR that stores and discharges energy it utilizes from these sources.

It is this capacity or potential to store both material and non-material energy in line with creational endeavors that determines to what degree one spiritually evolves. Stagnation occurs for everyone when the malevolent abuses the benevolent residing in the same environment. Therefore you have the former DNA manipulated ageing gene factor contamination which limits this capacity to 100 years in contrast to natural life cycles of other humans averaging around 1007 years, which is a 10 to 1 disadvantage to gain knowledge and experiences for the proper spiritual evolution.

The only way to resolve this discrepancy is to either scientifically deactivate this ageing genes and/or remove the malevolent ones as in the case of the Giza Intelligences so that the benevolent ones can now have an environment to evolve spiritually in the correct format. As also during Jmmanuel period, it was the Jewish leaders who stained the rest of their followers by persecuting the 5th prophet and getting away with it. Had some action taken place then, maybe history would have been kinder to their present day public opinion?

I take Billy’s suggestion to “act in the present” a step further and suggest we apply such measures to resolve what was done later, which should have been done earlier as in the case of removing those SOB’s, the Giza Intelligences in 1978. Had it been done much earlier, the world would certainly be a different place today instead of being influenced by religious contamination for another 200 or more years.

This is only one of many examples that if properly intervened to correct these evil events from occurring in the interest of the spiritual evolution for those following creational endeavors amongst the mist of these occurrences (environment) in a TIMELY manner, then evolution will be maintained for both ends of the positive and negative spiritual spectrum. For example we all know what happened to the millions, if not billions of lives loss when that insane IHWH-HATA translated as “Eye of God”, the Ring Nebula of Lyra was destroyed by some egomaniac IHWH.

We also have many such events to a lesser degree and some to the same magnitude but prevented by the Plejarens both included the use of nuclear weapons or research experimentation. History has repeated itself throughout the DERN universe and will continue on Earth as well unless a more humane approach is utilized.

That is to prevent any more catastrophes from occurring by offering spiritual growth or stagnation of different paths in regards to evolution without the possibility of the destruction of both particular parties who apparently co-exists on the same planet, but usually at the expense of those who endeavor creational methods. Thus, if one chooses through their own free will to become a parasitic SOB who engages in uncreational behaviors like greed, lust of power, enjoyment of seeing others suffer or belittled, actions that stimulate the lower primal animalistic part of their brain and not the higher functional areas like the Colliculus Superior, where the spirit resides, then people of these degenerative nature should be afforded either removal or incarnation to a planet where it is compatible in regards to this level of stagnated evolution which will most likely not be technologically advanced as to become a danger to the general population or other planet system.

What will happen to their former personalities is of no concern to me and should be suspended indefinitely until the damage it has caused to others are rectified by the victims own quest for spiritual evolution until the “Equational Potential Formulations” are now equal or in equilibrium status from all the previous interferences/abuses done by the malevolent ones.

Therefore, no manipulation has occurred just a balancing act of measures so that the necessary options are applied in the interest of all parties concerned who will continue down the path they choose through their own free will without endangering others or preventing them from realizing their true potentials. Such potentials can be verified by the Plejaren technology in analyzing one’s pass personalities and other pertinent information of thought registration and prediction along with future time period potentials of the Cause and Effect principle.

The creator overlords have done the ageing gene manipulation and benefited immensely from such acts while we have and continue to suffer its effects to this day. They may still harbor the intent to enact revenge and exterminate everyone on Earth, as it is their form of “appreciation” which distinguishes what higher forms of intelligences are supposed to be? There could even be some spiritual incarnation of less than desirable personality traits presently amongst us (the one that persecuted Jmmanuel is the same spirit form incarnated in the one that tried to kill Billy).

--Hawaiian 01:52, 2 December 2011 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

You should not evaluate things in terms of higher or greater than, rather who acts and is genuinely direct in there purpose. I don't care who or what name or title they may carry all are the same to me unless of course they have disengeniouse intent. like some. :)

--Markvd 06:53, 2 December 2011 (UTC)

Hawaiian said ...

That's the biggest problem with the vast majority of Earth-bound people, including most on this website and the USA FIGU also, they limit and restrict their thinking and not encompass the entire spectrum of events leading up to the present day situations.

What is fair and humane justice if not acted on accordingly in due time, delayed action is delayed justice, the equalibrium status between the negative and positive forces are supposed to be equally balanced, not skewed for any extended period of time because of non-compliance by the forces that have the power to do so.

If one cannot or will not see this whole spectrum of events, especially so if it affects them directly are being ignorant to the fact they will not demand justice have no one else to blame but themselves.

As Billy says is so very true "we are all connected" and that includes the Plejarens and all others co-created by Nokodemjon himself. To say we have no right to make these connections from the lowest to highest is not creational, since creation is the process of merging not separation and that includes justice as well.

--Hawaiian 21:15, 2 December 2011 (UTC)

Spockstar1 said ...

thought never dies but enters into a plasma form then is dicarded into small particles which turn into food

--Spockstar1 03:27, 14 December 2011 (UTC)

Spockstar1 said ...

life is the most important thing next to having feelings . Death may be sweet to some but it is only a dispersion of your elements into hopefully something more interesting or worthfull

--Spockstar1 03:39, 14 December 2011 (UTC)

Hawaiian said ...

Thoughts are not generated into some type of plasma, (but can be technically integrated symbiotically) nor discarded or turned into food because how can fine energy be consumed as material energy are?

Death is the degradation of the material body, but the spirit lives on to re-incarnate into the next living person until the spirit evolves to a point it no longer needs a material body to incarnate in, thus it becomes purely non-material energy. Thoughts, feelings are all stored as experiences and knowledge that are part of the spirit’s evolutionary process to be merged with other spirits of equal evolution and universes, that is how evolution works.

From a single drop in a vast ocean of water, although many will feel as insignificant individual human being when compared to a universe, it finally merged as ONE with Creation in the Absolute Absolutum to create more things and has exactly the same components in the form of a spirit, a non-material energy and most importantly, the experiences and knowledge Creation needs for further evolution.

Negative energies are the results of stagnated spirits, which will not be merged with evolving spirits when the universe transforms from a material to purely spiritual one. What happens to these spirits when that happens is for higher intelligences to ponder on, however there are options to address this problem immediately through the E.P.F.

--Hawaiian 04:51, 14 December 2011 (UTC)

BraveKnight said ...

Well said, Billy. Now, if only the ignorant, degenerated ones can take hold of their own lives in a responsible manner. Its all too easy for the un-knowing to sit back and waste their entire life away while allowing cult-religious hog-wash lead the way over the hills, valleys and mountain tops through the badlands of erroneous non-sense to the city of nowhere. In sharp contrast to this process of non-thinking, non-acting, non-developing and non-evolving degenerative style of serfdom is the salvation of reality. The truth, of which I am fortunate enough to be knowing quite well, thanks to my man Billy and the Plejaren, is that in which the knowledge of what exists in reality is made certain. I am quite surprised in this day and age, as it relates to the intellectual development of the Earth human, that the majority are still victims and prisoners of a self-inflicted delusion. And it is this I am quite sure that is very basic for people of any planet in any stage of development, even that of the caveman, that one should well enough be aware of the simple fact reality is what reality is and it does not need foolish Earth humans to assume that reality is whatever they find convenient according to personal preference or matter of opinion, reality is made a mockery of in this way. It is shockingly incomprehensible to me the way my fellow brothers and sisters here on this glorious and wonderfully arranged natural planet can be so dim-witted and oblivious to things of a very basic and fundamental nature. Its extremely embarrassing when I think of the way we are viewed upon by other intelligent humans in the universe as a model of a planet whose people that lived there couldnt be any more degenerated or delusional and actually reach the limit of the definition of degenerated and delusional. I dont see any way possible that this world is gonna snap out of this madness on their own and this planet and all of its inhabitants are doomed to suffer the consequences of self-destruction on the back of another world war or this over-populated planet is gonna release enough methane into the air from all the global warming as a result of all the pollution and too many people and the raping of this planet's natural resources to the point that the ozone layer, or whats left of it, is going to start to let in radiation from our sun and then everyone will die a horrible death that way. Myself, personally, I dont have faith or hope or beliefs of any sort. I am knowing of the truth and striving to comprehend the aspects of life and reality in general and if theres one thing I am certain of it is that without the direct intervention of the Plejaren in some manner or in some way, this planet is never gonna make it and mankind on Earth will be called to account for his evil, ignorant foolishness.

--BraveKnight 01:28, 25 December 2011 (UTC)

Navneet from India said ...

Q:-"Here on Earth there are various religions, different gods, many more in Hinduism. What about God and the gods?"

Unfortunate that people from west still hold a rather bleak outlook when it comes to oriental religions.

I am rather sorry to say that you have a rather limited knowledge of Hinduism, which always seems to be a matter of ridicule for you due to so many different Gods. Hinduism is one of the few religions that talk of the concept of Brahman - the supreme consciousness that Mr. Billy Meier so dearly holds as a teaching to the earthlings. What do you say of the Vedas (of whatever form it has been transmitted to present day and not withstanding the ritualistic portions of it)? Mr. Meier, your teachings are an exact replica of what appears in them - consciousness that is formless, has no beginning and end, resides in oneself as its attribute whole and so on. It is also said that the ancient seers of India saw through the fact that it is difficult to make mere mortal humans understand the concept of a formless, infinite creation and hence "good" attributes were ascribed to various "god-like" "forms" to make them atleast resemble a form, which will still be creation according to your own teachings, because creation is all encompassing. And Hindusm never said you will be punished if you dont worship the God forms. It said, you worship if you want to concentrate on improving an attribute of your personal well being. For example, Hindu people worship Ganesha, who is considered God of Knowledge. Yes, they may be "asking" for favours when they pray, but deep down, they also get to concentrate an aspect they would wanted improved within self (knowledge in this case). Thus, they are using idol worship as a tool for self improvement of certain attributes.

It is rather sad that though the Plejarin JHWHs were the ones who kept on getting the prophets to Earth time an again, religions were formed invariably around these figures, including Jmmanuel, Prophet Mohammed and Buddists, no matter how good their intentions were. Thus, the plejarin focus on banishing/criticising idolatory through Mohammad had its effect in the ethnic cleansing of so many cultures with rich traditions. Can I attribute this to Plejarins? Ofcourse, they would call me a fool for they will say "Earth man is responsible for his owm actions, through religious sectarianism and barbarianism". But how different are they? Their consciuosness may be more developed than us, but their immaturity is still the same as ours, the earthlings. Remember your story of Plejarin lady helping Merlin with the Sword of Excalibur (not so long ago for a race of humans living 500 years and up)

The point for your Plejarin friends is this, no matter which prophet comes on Earth through JHWH, there will be religious cults formed around them, including yours Mr. Meier. and the problem with all these religious cults is, intolerance and apathy towards others. Just as your Plejarin friends which seem to claim -" Please do this, everything else is wrong, and this is the only way". All human beings (Pleja or Terra) need space/freedom of their own expression. I am pretty sure Asket follows a different set of tenets than Semjase or Ptaah.

I hope your Plejarin friends read this.

--Navneettn 15:02, 2 January 2012 (UTC)

navneettn said ...

Q:-"Here on Earth there are various religions, different gods, many more in Hinduism. What about God and the gods?"

Unfortunate that people from west still hold a rather bleak outlook when it comes to oriental religions.

I am rather sorry to say that you have a rather limited knowledge of Hinduism, which always seems to be a matter of ridicule for you due to so many different Gods. Hinduism is one of the few religions that talk of the concept of Brahman - the supreme consciousness that Mr. Billy Meier so dearly holds as a teaching to the earthlings. What do you say of the Vedas (of whatever form it has been transmitted to present day and not withstanding the ritualistic portions of it)? Mr. Meier, your teachings are an exact replica of what appears in them - consciousness that is formless, has no beginning and end, resides in oneself as its attribute whole and so on. It is also said that the ancient seers of India saw through the fact that it is difficult to make mere mortal humans understand the concept of a formless, infinite creation and hence "good" attributes were ascribed to various "god-like" "forms" to make them atleast resemble a form, which will still be creation according to your own teachings, because creation is all encompassing. And Hindusm never said you will be punished if you dont worship the God forms. It said, you worship if you want to concentrate on improving an attribute of your personal well being. For example, Hindu people worship Ganesha, who is considered God of Knowledge. Yes, they may be "asking" for favours when they pray, but deep down, they also get to concentrate an aspect they would wanted improved within self (knowledge in this case). Thus, they are using idol worship as a tool for self improvement of certain attributes.

It is rather sad that though the Plejarin JHWHs were the ones who kept on getting the prophets to Earth time an again, religions were formed invariably around these figures, including Jmmanuel, Prophet Mohammed and Buddists, no matter how good their intentions were. Thus, the plejarin focus on banishing/criticising idolatory through Mohammad had its effect in the ethnic cleansing of so many cultures with rich traditions. Can I attribute this to Plejarins? Ofcourse, they would call me a fool for they will say "Earth man is responsible for his owm actions, through religious sectarianism and barbarianism". But how different are they? Their consciuosness may be more developed than us, but their immaturity is still the same as ours, the earthlings. Remember your story of Plejarin lady helping Merlin with the Sword of Excalibur (not so long ago for a race of humans living 500 years and up)

The point for your Plejarin friends is this, no matter which prophet comes on Earth through JHWH, there will be religious cults formed around them, including yours Mr. Meier. and the problem with all these religious cults is, intolerance and apathy towards others. Just as your Plejarin friends which seem to claim -" Please do this, everything else is wrong, and this is the only way". All human beings (Pleja or Terra) need space/freedom of their own expression. I am pretty sure Asket follows a different set of tenets than Semjase or Ptaah.

I hope your Plejarin friends read this.

--Navneettn 15:02, 2 January 2012 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

Religions are very tough to follow because everyone that follows them tends to stray from the laws of creation. You have good points Navneet but I am guessing there are offshoot religions that copy religions in order to maintain and control people's minds, how can that be freedom when the development of consciosness is the ultimate goal of development of all thinking beings. In India they seem rather peaceful but they are overpopulating faster than madmen and have more wives than each male can count. :) I call that irresponsible in my point ov view.

--Markvd 21:29, 2 January 2012 (UTC)

Navneettn said ...

Dear Markvd,

Thank you for your response. Again, I would like to reply to some comments of yours.

"I am guessing there are offshoot religions that copy religions in order to maintain and control people's minds, how can that be freedom when the development of consciosness is the ultimate goal of development of all thinking beings. "

I can tell you that Hinduism is perhaps the only religion in the world that allows Atheism. In fact, you have the freedom to follow your own beliefs or disbelief. The ultimate goal was still to percieve the supreme consciousness. If you believed that one's method of faith or non-faith would lead to the ultimate supreme, it was left entirely upon you. Ofcourse, over the period of millenia, idol worship and rituals took some centre stage through the high priests, sad, but it was expected. However, the openness continued. Even to this day, no body looks you down in the Hindu society if you refuse to pray to one God/Gods or enter the temple. These views are infact respected as the free will or choice of the individual and the thought process is "Fine, it this works for you to reach the ultimate truth, very well- We respect it".

Now coming on the point of population explosion, I agree with you, but I also consider your view a bit dogmatic and irresponsible when you say "In India they seem rather peaceful but they are overpopulating faster than madmen and have more wives than each male can count."

This is so because you belief of each male having more wives in India is medieval at best. We are not some Arabian camel grazing country where such things may be state sponsored. In fact, the Hindu marriage act bans polygamy (unfortunate that this has not been extended to Muslims in India as a uniform law due to the hunger of politicians for votes). In fact, the urban Indian society (Hindus, Muslims and Christians) have no more than 2 children (which is infact further going down to only 1 child in urban centres voluntarily). Urban centres are fast increasing due to migration with now nearly 40% of Indian population contributed by Metros. You can see that things are changing, and even the state goverments are giving incentives to rural India for less children (like rules of barring village headmen to get elected if they have more than 2 children, reduction of some perks for government employees with more than 2 etc.). I believe these are positive steps.

I sincerely hope that all of people here and FIGU and Plejarin shed their "BIASES" and "DOGMAS" about others that they know little. After all, we are all humans and to "judge" someone with sweeping conclusions is the worst thing you can do to an individual.

--Navneettn 14:16, 3 January 2012 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

It is actually fact males in India have more wives thus the highest population singularly in the world toppling China in that regard. That is not a bias or dogma filled remark, it is truth. I am not saying Hinduism is to blame, but I think that they use religion so they can get away with many criminal elements that do not follow the laws of creation. If you are a peaceful person that has less than 2 children I wish you well. :)

--Markvd 21:44, 3 January 2012 (UTC)