Talk:Are Earth's religions false?

From Future Of Mankind
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Hawaiian 21:15, 22 August 2009 (UTC)True, religions are for those too lazy to think for themselves, depending on some ridiculus god or church to find the answers that are all within each and every human being on Earth! It is just a degenerative exploitation tool to control the masses in order for those responsible for religions to stay in power, in other words, to exist at the expense of better than human parasites!

The Christians as well as Muslums are illogical to believe "their" prophet is now a god and be worshiped. Jmmanuel, the 5th prophet who is falsely named Jesus Christ is nothing but a black hole abyss, because when something is invalid, all prayer energies directly toward it becomes nothing too! Besides, why have another prophet coming later, Mohammed, the 6th, if the Christians were correct that Jesus is now god, the Absolute!

Completely illogical, if the prophet's mission were successful as both these major religions claim...then why have the final 7th prophent, BEAM (although he depises this title for good reason)? Besides, what gives this so called god or gods the right to be the only ones EXCLUSIVELY RESERVED in Creation, when Creation is dependent that ALL intelligent beings including all things created to become ONE, so that Creation can continue to evolve forever?

One should also pose this question directly, parents are superior to their off spring, yet they want them to become greater than themselves, yet religion preaches that there is only one god, the absolute. If so, that this god is a thug, power lustful degenerate, because like parents, he/she or it should be HONORED to have another human or intelligent being become spiritually at the same level or higher. But that is not the case, thus one can conclude that religions, the concept of god are all false, being it only promotes the power lustful and not yourself...period!

No prophet has ever wanted to be elevated above their fellow mankind or womankind, they all want others to become much more spiritually evolved, thus it is this honor that they so desire all to become. Same concept s applies to these false gods, if they would only admit their mistakes and attempt to bring harmony for the crimes they commit, because even Creation has the capacity to evolve accordingly.