Creation-energy Teaching
From Future Of Mankind
If you are not familiar with the Spirit Teaching then you would make a good start by reading The Philosophy of Life and then An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching before continuing onto other topics below.
- A Word To Mankind
- Aging
- An important word concerning the occult forces and meditation
- Basic Rules of Man
- Being Oneself
- Concentration Exercises
- Concentration, Meditation, Sleep
- Conception, Consciousness and Personality of the Human Being
- Creation's Love
- Dekalog Dodekalog
- Desiderata (Desirable and Vital Items)
- Doing Something for the Neighbour
- Doubt as a Shortcoming
- Faith (Belief) and God
- Goblet of Truth
- God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity
- Homosexuality - What is its Cause?
- Human Beings Without Work Or Other Valuable Activity Go to Seed
- Ideas of Partnership
- Ignorance, Problems, Frustration and Gewalt
- In Praise of Love, Truth and Wisdom
- Life And Death Are Inherent To Each Other
- Meditation Basics
- Meditation from Clear Sight
- Meditation from Clear Sight (Alternative)
- OM
- Sadness
- Sapere Aude (Dare to Exercise Reason)
- Saving Face
- Sects: Main Religions as Mother Sects and their "Advisors on Sects"
- Silent Devotion
- Spirit Lessons
- The Deadly Might Of Thoughts And Feelings
- The Laws and Directives of Creation
- The Original Prayer In German Created By Henoch
- The Philosophy of Life
- The Seven Steps of Education
- The Spiritual Teaching
- The Twelve Recommendations
- The Talmud of Jmmanuel
- The Wrong Way
- To Be of Equal Value
- Understanding The Term “Creation”
- What the Human Seeks
- What the Plejaren Wish for Earth Humans
- Working upon Goodness
Video Presentations
- International UFO Congress - The Talmud Of Jmmanuel - Wendelle Stevens (2001)
- International UFO Congress - The Talmud Of Jmmanuel - Edward T Martin (2001)
- International UFO Congress - The Talmud Of Jmmanuel - James Deardorff (2001)
- International UFO Congress - The Talmud Of Jmmanuel - Dietmar Rothe (2001)