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From Future Of Mankind
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Daniel Leech (talk | contribs)
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:::creation of
:::creation of
|134 ||170* (Ptaah)
|134 ||170* (Ptaah)
|Billy <span id="Billy Index Linker Anchor"></span>
|<span id="Billy Index Anchor"></span>Billy

Revision as of 11:07, 23 December 2016


n A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Subject Contact Report Line no.
1998 (a supposedly special year) 260 2*
2012 476 60, 103*
2020 (possible collapse of USA) 544 -
3rd millennium (actual beginning of, in regard to Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist calendars) 260 80*
666 127 12*
calculating numerical value
128 63*
Christianity holds the value 666
238 486
European Union
213 73*
origin, meaning
45 -
9/11 - September 11th 2001 (World Trade Center terrorist attacks) 206 22


Subject Contact Report Line no.
A promise must never be broken 197 19*
Absolute Absolutum 260 188*, 251*
absolute hyper-light constant
(highest speed of Creation)
119 20* (Ptaah)
absolute zero 165 70
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (leader of Islamic State) 593 -
acupuncture (origin, workings of, techniques) 216 263*
216 315
Adam (meaning of) 007 152
Adolf Hitler
and the Vatican (collaboration with Popes Pius XI and Pius XII)
134 159* (Ptaah)
dark forces influence of, taken from 36th CR
260 107*
illnesses, death
202 12*
psyche of
616 -
Thule Society (Hermann Steinschneider and Eric Jan Hanussen, influence of Hitler)
260 110
adoration and praise (those in search of) 249 -
aerosols (formation of raindrops) 222 42*
see also Peking man, and Neanderthal
007 142
aggression (and serotonin) 208 3*
Agharta (blue skinned race) 039 203* (Ptaah)
agitated water 260 169
aid agencies
Earth and Plejaren
211 1*
sexual abuse committed by
216 98*
teach a man to fish......
620 -
AIDS 150 269
182 308
236 265*
origin, cause, etc
248 26*
indirect spreading of
182 372
182 316
disappearance of in South America (15th of August, 1976)
118 17* (Semjase)
136 289
climate collapse of
476 60*
oxygen collapse and atmospheric collapse, meaning of,
warning to Earth humanity
481 -
planet five light-years away from Earth, overpopulation of
035 -
Alexander Meigs Haig 136 211
Alzheimer’s disease and Aluminium particles 260 68
amalgam (health damaging effects of in dentistry) 248 106*
America-Building (photography of) 104 116*
ancient Earth history
12 epochs, 50,000 years+, age of Aquarius, Arus,
Atlantis and Mu, galactic central sun, golden age,
Jehav, Pelegon, Semjasa, Sons of Heaven
009 -
android (Plejaren) 031 100 (Ptaah)
Quetzals android experiment (logic v illogic)
137 24
Andromeda Galaxy 222 60*
Angela Merkel (Zionist Jew, destruction of Germany) 616 -
EU dictator
625 -
Angelucci 002 65
183 79
slaughtering of
228 17*
Jewish ritual
323 39*
Anne Frank 225 51*
antibiotics (future of) 216 202*
anti-gravity 260 36*
anti-matter (Plejaren use of) 216 50*
anti-time or anti-Christ (in Christian bible) 039 248
mythologically based
228 109*
see also Planet Niburu
David Ickes nonsensical commercially directed scribbles
443 *
Anwar Sadat
assassination of
136 430
Meier's warning to
150 70
proposal by Billy and Plejaren to visit
136 441
apartheid (in South Africa) 219 105*
true meaning of
002 18
Apollo 11 Moon landing hoax 230 Part 5
Ernst Stuhlinger, Werner Freiherr von Braun, Walt Disney, etc
357 61*
High Council instructions on Apollo 11 information
240 9
number of people involved, reasons for
203 1*
why participants maintain their story
214 191*
Die dunkle Seite von Apollo by Gernot L. Geise
357[1] 61*
Apollo-Suyuz docking 031 43*, 68*
apophis (red meteor) 150 491*
471 -
and destroyer comet threat (intervention by Plejaren)
150 544*
effects on Earth
150 509
544 -
size, actions against
475 -
aquarius born (Earth humans expressions. Misunderstandings of) 134 20 (Ptaah)
Arahat Athersata
communication with Billy
031 181*
Argon Publishing House, (Magazine 2000, Rainer Schenck) 306 31
Ariane project 198 13
Ariel Sharon 212 34
216 252
150 384
'relationships' with Menachem Begin
150 411
Arien (now called India) 070 132
aromas, smells and taste (perception of) 216 55*
Armus, of Armenia (Jschwisch) 070 138
artificial sweeteners
cyclamate and others (dangers of)
223 42*
Arthur DeMoss Foundation 214 155
Arus 009 -
070 124
XI (murder of)
070 136
Aruseak (a.k.a. Ashtar Sheran, cousin of Kamagol) 038 11
splinter group of
038 45
false teachings of, cultic religion
038 19
Giza Intelligences
070 152
Asael, (independent scientist and Jschwjsch) 005 161
Ashtar Sheran 233 21
alliance with Giza Intelligences
452 4*
domination of Earth, hypnotic contacts, religious messages,
sightings of ET aircraft, animal mutilations
563 -
reincarnation of
260 76*
re-introduction of
031 1 (Asket)
031 329
1950 DA
218 40
214 18*
possible threat to Earth
214 21
that reach into solar system inner planets orbits (size, composition)
248 163
type objects that reach into outer solar system planets and beyond
248 172*
worldwide deluge due to multiple impacts
150 490*
electrical discharge in (effects of higher temperature)
248 46
heating of, global warming (effects on weather)
248 43*
atom 008 8
atomic bomb
tests (criminal exploitation of people)
205 5*
those seeking to build them
216 244*
used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. American plan for using them
238[2] 825*
colour of, false beliefs influence on level of spiritual evolution
085 -
police, authorities and those who wield power
150 341*
avalanches (causes) 216 29*
Ayatollah Khomeini 136 379*, 418
150 303*
extreme torture, rape and murder of 11 year old girl by those
loyal to Ayatollah Ruhollah Moosavi Khomeini (WARNING! GRAPHIC)
150 310
136 247
Iranian revolution
115 66* (Semjase)


Subject Contact Report Line no.
Baader-Meinhof Group (Red Army Faction) 150 423
Bach Flower Therapy 216 55*
Bachir Gemayel (assassination of in 1982) 150 379
extraterrestrial bacteria and micro-organisms
221 49*
talposbacteria (heat bacteria)
256 -
Barack Obama (powerlessness of, desires of) 544 -
terrestrial and non-terrestrial
001 34
Billy's falsified beamship films/photos
251 -
description of interior
031 30*
detection of, detection technology, assistance of Sonaer with
448 -
disc shape
004 67*
diving in water, glowing
218 29*
effect on video camera magnetic tapes
130 201*
energy shields (for protection on spacecraft, etc)
260 141*
exiting Quetzals beamship (dematerialisation equipment)
148 136
observing of; Sissi and Roland Rüegsegger and Margaret Rose (permanent consciousness damage of)
134 128 (Ptaah)
of 'future Earth' (resembling spaceships from 'Raumpatrouille Orion')
039 359*
photgraphed by 'Ein Pirgler' (at night)
311 56*
photographic opportunities of
007 3
protective screen
131 42
invisibility of
039 372*
reasons for certain manoeuvres of beamships that Billy filmed
251 -
Semjase creates landing tracks
131 38*
sound recordings (preparations)
132 -
sound recordings (description by Engelbert Wächter)
132 84*
Beate Uhse
Earth human morality (destruction of)
202 10
sexual immorality, degeneracy
219 140
beating around the bush! 252 -
origin of on Earth, purpose of
251 -
percentage of population caught up in
434 16
belief and reasoning 241 Pages 2 to 7
Bermuda triangle 150 557*
Beta Centauri 070 110
Bhopal disaster 182 542
biblical flood (when, why)
005 33
248 115*
biblical gospels (why they are attributed to illiterate disciples)
212 12*
biblical texts (authenticity of)
212 1
exodus (time taken, supposedly 40 years)
214 2*
feeding the 5000 (origin of falsifications)
207 27*
see also Judas Iscarioth
Luke the evangelist (gospel of, birth, death)
210 1
Mathew (gospel)
212 11
216 152
see also Moses
new testament
224 13*
origin of
212 22
Paul the apostle, Moses
212 9
Prophet Elijah, false teachings of Bible
248 100*
sermon on the mount
207 27*
seven biblical plagues
150 490*
Sodom and Gomorrah (reasons for destruction of)
215 116*
248 148
big bang
future occurrences of
143 25
creation of
134 170* (Ptaah)
.44 Magnum ('borrowed' by Ptaah and Quetzal)
239 44*
45th birthday
160 -
adopting a child?
115 208* (Semjase)
and family members have near fatal car crash
124 7
and Ptaah share a drink of Peach wine
239 109*
and Ptaah meet
031 162*
and Quetzal enjoy a coffee together
163 38
and Semjase conspire between themselves
123 119*
the game is up!
134 33 (Semjase)
and Semjase discuss his younger brothers death, Billy's health and group members
191 -
and Semjase visit moon of 'future Earth'
039 219* (Ptaah)
anger at the unteachable Earth people
146 60*
anti-materialism and modesty of
039 96 (Ptaah)
assassination attempt on
130 110*
attack on Billy in 1976 at Winkelriet near Wetzikon
452 17*
attacked by a 'lightning missile.'
236 36*
Billy the barbarian beam-rider (jumping out of beamships)
157 74
cloak of naivety
238 21
calculations regarding speed of light
119 8* (Semjase)
children (futures of)
125 169
computer answering questions with Billy's voice
153 83
describes assassination attempt
118 6 (Quetzal)
125 144
ends leadership of center and core group
131 52
enemies of
540 -
falsified beamship films/photos
251 -
feels that he can resume the mission
142 40
female contacts with
031 16* (Nera)
female companions (Samira, Nadja and Angela)
213 37
flies Semjase's ship
039 79*
forcing information from (by secret services)
115 33 (Ptaah)
future incarnations of
072 30*
115 147* (Semjase)
going to Erra
176 32
great journey
031 -
distance units used in conversations
248 70*
137 -
192 1
brain damage and restoration of
192 1
health collapse on 4th November 1982
180 -
future severe health collapse (in 1982)
156 82
is strained again so Quetzal takes him for a long walk in the Canadian wilderness
160 -
painful knees
161 -
his thoughts on religions, Creation, God
032 357* (Ptaah)
hours spent correcting and encoding
239 142*
146 5
teleportation device
134 15* (Semjase)
if he departed the mission
126 109
leaving Earth (possibility of)
107 99
journey deep into the Atlantic and Pacific ocean
218 25
Karl, Billy's brother (death of)
125 158
makes a grammatical error (shock horror!)
219 131
239 151*
mother, father, sister and other brother (deaths of)
125 159
new tractor and trailer (1980)
130 191*
only contactee, reasons for, contacts after Billy dies
448 -
observation of planetary alignment or Syzygy (March 1982)
166 1
perceived adulation of
141 16*
photographs Venus, the Moon (Russian lunar rover), Jupitors red spot and Saturn
039 233* (Ptaah)
progress (article written by Billy, aged 11)
306 42*
on the pull
184 44*
physical and psychical power reserves (restoration of)
117 51 (Semjase)
Plejaren answers to Billy's questions
215 296, 299
Plejaren's final withdrawal from Earth (after Billy dies)
448 -
possible effects of negative energies on large aircraft (with Billy onboard)
123 35
pre-destined strife for Billy on 23rd of May 1982
170 22
predictions made by
117 24 (Quetzal)
previous incarnations (assumed but incorrect)
182 283*
prophet of the new time
031 181*
psychological well-being (deterioration of)
140 -
Ptaah calls Billy "Eduard" for the first time
239 119
questions directed towards Billy (misunderstandings of Billy's answers)
216 236*
recovery from coma
111 -
rejection of religion
206 51
resumption of contacts in next incarnation
117 83 (Ptaah)
running time of 'the mission'
115 147* (Semjase)
Semjase offers Billy the opportunity to live on Erra
140 -
religions and sects (scathing speech by Billy)
218 86*
study of Islam
206 51
taking the mickey out of Quetzal
182 252
telepathy between Billy and Elektra
159 25* (Quetzal)
the mystery of
155 99
time travel experiment with letters
142 99*
transition into the eternal spiritual existence
031 272
truthful recognition of mission (in the future)
115 172 (Semjase)
verbal irony (Billy demonstrates to Quetzal)
209 7*
views of Menachem Begin
150 207*
warnings of assassination attempts
115 328 (Semjase)
what Sfath showed Billy as a young boy
616 -
whole world against
146 66
wishes to end the mission
140 -
bio-resonance 260 98*
biofuels 469 -
Bird Flu - H5N1 virus (reasons for, spreading of) 440 -
black energy see energy
black holes 223 13*
causes of, formation of
218 59*
collision of, merging of, size, formation, location, distribution
224 35*
core size
227 21*
influencing Venus
223 13*
other dimensions , time-travel
236 300*
body piercings 371 -
Bonobo chimpanzee 007 138
An Open Word by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier
001 63
And Still They Fly by Guido Moosbrugger (additions to)
452 42
Book of Henoch
191 50
Book of Names
161 -
see also ebooks
English translations of
196 39
falsification of various books
239 137*
Geheimsache UFO (Secret Matter UFO) book, by Michael Hesemann (regarding cover photo)
251 -
224 7*
155 111
191 46
Plejaren, materials produced from, electronic form
542 -
Talmud Jmmanuel (falsification by Krauer)
238 7
to be published
196 27
The Dark Side of Apollo by Gernot L. Geise
357 61*
Bridge to Freedom 085 -
BSE or mad cow disease see disease
Buddha / Siddhattha Gotama (physical characteristics and teachings) 205 17*
Buddhism (peaceful nature of, as opposed to other religions) 434 46*


Subject Contact Report Line no.
C. A. Anderson 002 65
and tomato's
216 227*
213 153*
154 51*
skin cancer from solar and artificial light
226 4
cannibalism 209 2*
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
content of in Earth's atmosphere (as of 25th February 2010)
contributing factors of production
effects on soil and oceans
historical atmospheric content
percentage at which it becomes poisonous
489 -
levels of on Mars
201 19*
with regard to Sun's irradiation, disappearance of from Earth's atmosphere (results of)
201 7
Carl Gustav Jung (psychologist and psychiatrist) 200 22
Carlos Diaz 251 -
castration (meaning of) 218 83*
crimes against Earth humanity and non-terrestrial humanity
136 169
catholic priests (pedophilia, sexual abuse)
219 136
cattle mutilations (by secret services) 257 -
Cauldron of Life 469 -
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
agents at Brückenwaage restaurant in Dussnang
contact with 'L' at FIGU
knowledge of possible terrorist attacks (9/11)
544 -
chance (meaning of) 214 30
Charles Darwin
development of his evolutionary theories
437 -
man descended from apes
007 126*
217 81*, 82
Cheiro (Count Louis Hamon, a.k.a. William John Warner) 127 12*
as a superpower
544 -
plague, rats
452 38
LDL and HDL (arteriosclerosis, pregnancy)
544 -
holds the value 666
238 486
'sintflut,' remodeled to 'sin' (origin, meaning)
248 155*
Christoph Meili (Swiss banks participation in laundering Nazi assets) 213 102
function of
008 55*
chronons 143 20
change into Tachyons
in a second
length (frequency) of
only move in normal space
119 34* (Quetzal)
clairvoyants (inaccuracy of) 214 26*
climate change 136 186
212 48*
216 21*, 36*
220 22*
437 -
444 -
adaptation of birds and animals to
136 187
bribery by energy companies, deliberately disputing and falsifying evidence,
gravitational changes, tectonic effects, mass movement of water, physical and psychic effects on humans
476 114*
Earth's change of rotational speed due to climate change (clarification of explanation in CR476)
480 -
human irresponsibility
589 -
natural and man-made
219 142*
natural origin and human origin (meaning of)
221 1*
speech by Quetzal concerning
221 1*
storms, cyclones, typhoons, overpopulation
564 -
sun's effect
222 44*
clockwork mechanism on Earth (first) 226 74*
cloning 202 21
with respect to spirit-form, dangers
225 60*
codex 154 16*
260 15*
cold fire 165 70
see also Destroyer comet
Hale-Bopp (properties and characteristics of, false beliefs concerning)
214 128
size, connection with suicide cults
260 239*
in Earth history, explanation of by Billy
228 147*
Shoemaker–Levy 9
123 175*
150 490*
it's impact with Jupiter
248 15*
tails (toxic substances in)
214 12*
that triggered the Ark great flood
248 156*
Creations requirement of
001 56
and the psyche (immune system)
216 300
200 13
consciousness damage repair, by neutral thinking
144 37
defective human
136 252
390 5
high development of (propensity and necessity for on each world)
031 161 (Asket)
overall consciousness block
007 200*
pollution of by negative vibrations
129 46
psyche (balance of)
153 107
contacts 424 -
consequences if permanently ended
124 143
decision from High Council (regarding CR185)
190 -
decision from Plejaren leadership and High Council to begin
explanation of new contacts with DAL representatives
190 22*
ET contacts with Earth humans
249 -
ET's contacting other humanities (reasons for)
448 -
preparations for new contacts (regarding CR185)
186 -
187 -
188 -
189 -
end of contacts with Billy in current form
123 54
future (distant) contact with Plejaren's
448 -
future ET contacts after 1986
185 25*
High Councils advice to end contacts
182 104
impulse contacts (by Plejaren, clarification of, Ashtar Sheran, accelerated development by)
567 -
mistakes and misunderstandings in contact reports
512 -
official contacts with other ET humans in future
194 34
people who can contact higher life forms and spiritual levels
233 44
Plejaren impulse contacts with people in America and Asia
150 30*
possible contacts in the future with core group members
128 180
proposal by Billy regarding new ET contacts
185 29*
reasons for resumption of
121 81*
resumption of in Billy's next incarnation
117 83 (Ptaah)
temporary discontinuance of
170 1
termination of
121 18
those who lie about ET contacts
233 31
transmission of contact reports with regard to Billy's health
197 1
truth about contacts between Billy and Plejaren
215 158
why people lie about ET contacts
141 56*
contactee's of Earth 424 -
Dan Fry
249 -
Edward K. (vision-impulse contact person)
150 511
examination contacts
249 -
'H. M.'
260 19*
influenced by Plejaren
039 128
of various contact types
039 137, 165
corruption (world in general, particularly USA) 232 -
cosmetic surgery 371 -
cosmic background radiation
228 93*
435 71
electromagnetic life energy (positive and negative)
216 283
mathematical forms (rules of attaining)
128 32
storage block (responsible for cosmic formulas)
128 53*
Cot death / Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 214 42*
Count Saint Germain 044 -
Crab nebula 031 112 (Ptaah)
Creation 001 41
absolute hyper-light constant (highest speed of Creation)
119 20* (Ptaah)
contemplation of
018 23
Creational speed (maximum speed in our Universe)
260 173*
diameter of
143 7*
diameter of (at original expansion)
119 42* (Quetzal)
energy; fine and coarse (sub-atomic) material (nuclear levels of)
134 170* (Ptaah)
expansion of
119 8* (Semjase)
expansion rate
119 34* (Quetzal)
experiencing in ones-self
018 53
224 7*
half-life rate
119 34* (Quetzal)
initial expansion rate (and when that occurred)
119 34* (Quetzal)
never gives commands (Semjases explanations)
001 -
primal energy
008 13*
proof of wilful logic of
032 293 (Ptaah)
twilight sleep of
006 100
the word (human reaction to)
018 2
understanding the term
018 -
creation-life 006 93
creational life 006 79
creational-natural laws and recommendations 543 -
descendants/pregeny of Sirian 'creator-overloards' (who came to our Solar system)
311 18*
criticism of ones fellow man
221 83*
to gossip and criticise others behind their back
169 73*
crystal skulls (found in south America) 400 -
cybernetics 260 270*


Subject Contact Report Line no.
DAL Universe (journey to it via universal transition barrier) 031 298






















